What Lies Beneath the Wokeness


“I want to answer these two thoughtful essays by showing three paths of inquiry that will further advance our understanding of woke theology and politics. For the foreseeable future, wokeness will remain the central Progressive idea of justice, so a thorough grappling with it is necessary” - Law & Liberty


Tactics of the New Atheists


“…atheists Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Krauss discussed the merits of their approaches to ‘ridding the world of religion.’ In a recent interview with Steve Paikin, they made it clear that, despite their sometimes different personas, they have the same agenda — getting people to get rid of their belief in God.


New from Pew: “Four-in-ten Americans perceive conflict between their religious beliefs and mainstream culture”


“The survey also shows, however, that Christians are somewhat more likely to think their religion’s perceived decline in influence is a temporary, rather than permanent, change. In addition, just one-in-five U.S. Christians, including a third of white evangelical Protestants, see themselves as members of a minority group because of their religious beliefs.


How can pro-life Christians also support capital punishment?


“For nearly two millennia now, this passage [Rom 13:4] has been seen by most Christian faith traditions both as authorizing governmental authority and authorizing their right to use lethal force to punish evil doers, domestically through the criminal justice system and internationally through the military in “just war” conflicts with other nations.” - Richard Land


Bernie Sanders’ pagan view of charity


“Sanders’ preference for government programs over private philanthropy echoes that of ancient pagan rulers. Sanders, a democratic socialist, has said that private charity should not exist, because it usurps the authority of the government.” - Acton


Hallmark backtracks on its censorship of Unplanned


“After Hallmark scrubbed all mentions of the pro-life film Unplanned from a recent broadcast, pro-life advocates grew outraged. The star of Unplanned, Ashley Bratcher, first revealed that all references to the film had been removed from Hallmark’s broadcast of the Movieguide Awards, even though Unplanned was nominated for awards in three categories.” - W.Examiner
