Sweden reports a 1,500 % rise in gender dysphoria


“Between 2008 and 2018, the rate of teen girls ages 13 to 17 being diagnosed with gender dysphoria grew by approximately 1,500 percent, a report from Sweden’s Board of Health and Welfare” - CPost


Secular vaccination foes defend a needless religious exemption


“The anti-vaxxers have been out in force at the Connecticut State House ….The object of their ire is House Bill 5044, which would do away with religious exemptions that allow children who attend public or private schools to pass on vaccinations.” - RNS


Senate prepares to act on two pro-life bills


“Pro-life advocates in the U.S. Senate will try again Feb. 24 to gain passage of protections for unborn babies late in their mothers’ pregnancies and newborns who survive abortions — something they have been unable to do the last two years. ​​​​​….
