Evangelical Leaders React to Mohler Supporting Trump


Mohler recently said “that he’ll vote for Trump this November because of his conservative leadership record. Mohler adds that he intends to vote Republican for the rest of his life, as long as the GOP platform continues to oppose abortion and support religious liberty.” - Church Leaders


Pope Francis' advocacy for universal basic income


“The pontiff said he hopes a UBI will pave the way for the full transformation of society. He called for a ‘humanist and ecological conversion that puts an end to the idolatry of money and places human life and dignity at the center.’” - Acton


LGBTQ Opposition to Samaritan’s Purse Central Park field hospital grows


April 14, “a group of LGBTQ activists stood several yards away from the Samaritan’s Purse field hospital on the East Meadow lawn and blasted city and state officials and Mount Sinai Hospital for partnering with the evangelical humanitarian relief organization treating overflow patients suffering from the coronavirus.” - RNS


Not Like the Flu, Not Like Car Crashes, Not Like...


“How deadly is Covid-19 compared to seasonal flu, past pandemics, or car crashes? To offer context, we have produced two charts showing coronavirus deaths along with deaths from other common causes in the past to which the disease has recently been compared.” - New Atlantis


The sad, intolerant legal campaign against Christian baker Jack Phillips continues


“On Thursday, Phillips and his attorneys … asked a state court to dismiss a case brought against them not by the state of Colorado, which after years has seemingly given up on persecuting the Christian baker, but by an angry transgender lawyer and activist now pursuing him for declining to make a cake explicitly celebrating gender transition.” - W. Examiner


What Children Need Most in a Pandemic, and Always


“Much of what children consume may be entertaining, fun, and colorful…. Knowing and embracing unchanging truth dispels fear in these troubling times. This is just as true for children as it is for us.” - David Michael


Poll: Coronavirus a “Wake-Up Call from God,” Say 44% of Americans


“I want share what Luke 13:4-5 says. Jesus here is responding to a question about why certain people died, and he refers to 18 people who were killed in a tragic accident. Why did they die—why did that accident happen? It’s the same question people are asking today… Why is this pandemic happening now, to us? Here was Jesus’ response in Luke 13…” - Ken Ham


God Isn’t Dead After All


“As the coronavirus forces us to eat humble pie, a society that had dismissed God finds its religious conscience stirring.” - National Review


COVID-19 reminds us work is not just about money


“People have all sorts of reasons for taking a job and their reasons could be thoroughly cynical and selfish. …But even in a heavily regulated mixed economy like our own, we’re seeing millions of people behaving in ways that can’t be explained by selfishness (not the same thing as self-interest) or greed – the common critiques.” - Acton
