What is QAnon? Why is it popular and dangerous? And how can Christians respond?


“On October 28, 2017, a new user calling himself Q posted on a right-wing site favored by white supremacists called 4chan. Q predicted that Hillary Clinton would be arrested and massive riots would break out nationally on October 30, 2017. When the day came and went without fulfilling Q’s predictions, adherents concluded that the cabal interfered.” - Denison


6 quotes: Russell Kirk


“October 19 [was] the birthday of Russell Kirk (1918-1994), whose book The Conservative Mind gave shape and direction to a rebounding transatlantic political and philosophical tradition. Kirk rooted conservatism, not in a political platform, but in a deep-seated respect for tradition, faith, order, morality, and precedent.” - Acton


Appeals court again upholds Kentucky pro-life law


“The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati ruled as constitutional Oct. 16 a 1998 Kentucky law that requires an abortion clinic to have transfer agreements with a hospital and an ambulance service. The split decision by a three-judge panel reversed a federal court opinion that struck down the state law” - BPNews


Pew Survey: Evangelical Teens Differ from Other Christian Teens


“For example, in the area of belief, while almost all young Christians say they believe in God …evangelicals stand out for their level of certainty. Seven-in-ten (71 percent) say they are absolutely certain that God exists. Far fewer mainline Protestants (49 percent) and Catholics (45 percent) say the same.” - TGC


QAnon and Followers of Jesus


“The mainstreaming of QAnon means that we see people we know and love held under a spell of misinformation. This is causing deep divisions across families, churches, communities, and political parties. We need to respond.” - MCD


A lesson in close elections: This year’s presidential contest could put the Constitution to the test


“Americans are getting used to the idea of not immediately knowing the winner of the Nov. 3 presidential election. But what if, once each county and state have finished their final counts, the election ends in a tie? …With 538 Electoral College votes up for grabs, President Donald Trump and Democratic challenger Joe Biden could, in theory, each get 269.” - WORLD
