Winning the Abortion Debate in America


“Abortion will not end in this country by simply overturning Roe, as necessary as that is. Abortion will only end when a strong majority comes to see abortion as unconscionable because they understand that the baby in the womb is a real live human being.” - SBC Voices


Half of Gen Z supports Marxism/socialism. Here’s why.


“How can young Americans distrust the government to take care of their interests and endorse socialism, which entrusts the government with the power to redistribute wealth, direct all economic activity, and control their access to such necessities as healthcare?


A respectful response to my friend John Piper about voting for Trump


“…he and I have reached different conclusions about this year’s presidential election. His October 22 article, ‘Policies, Persons, and Paths to Ruin,’ explained why he thought it would be wrong for him to support either candidate in this election.


Identity Politics on the Right?


“The final, and perhaps most significant, problem with identity politics as currently practiced on the left is that it has stimulated the rise of identity politics on the right … . the right has adopted the language and framing of identity from the left: the idea that my particular group is being victimized” - Fukuyama via Veith
