How Not to Have a Civil War, Part 1: Introduction


“Anybody currently over the age of 40 knows that every election since 1992 has been ‘the most important election of our lifetime.’ Even so, it feels like this year is extraordinary. There’s been fighting in the streets that reminds us old-timers of 1968, combined with a general sense of being on edge due to all the coronavirus issues.


Veith: We’ll Live-Blog the Debate!


“As the debate proceeds, I’ll offer my thoughts in the Comments feature. But don’t make me do all of the work. I invite you, dear reader, to join in with your own comments. I hope we have participants from all political perspectives. We would thus represent the “General Public” in our responses, without the media filters and without the vitriol.” - Gene Veith


SBC's Moore and Floyd welcome Barrett nomination


“Southern Baptist leaders Russell Moore and Ronnie Floyd commended President Trump’s nomination Saturday (Sept. 26) of Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court.” - BPNews


Character, or Competence?


“Every so often, a friend and I indulge a favorite argument. The debate is over what matters more when it comes to leadership: Character, or competence? While we both have similar worldviews, I have contended that character matters more, while my friend argues for the greater worth of competence.” - Ref21


Capitol Hill Baptist Church sues D.C. on COVID order


CHBC sued, “contending the district’s restrictions in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic violate the congregation’s First Amendment rights and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.


The Supreme Court Vacancy & the Pro-Life Cause


“…the prospect of a conservative, pro-life Supreme Court has thrown pro-abortion liberals into a panic. In the hours after Justice Ginsburg’s death, record donations poured into the Democratic party, to the tune of $71 million. Both the pro-abortion and the anti-abortion sides are describing the Supreme Court vacancy as pivotal to their cause.” - Veith
