Who’s Afraid of Integralists?


“for a small but growing cadre of intellectual Roman Catholics the political philosophy of ‘integralism,’ with church and state integrated, not separate, is increasingly common. There’s disagreement over practical specifics, but what unites integralists is their conviction that the liberal democratic order is now, and perhaps always was, morally bankrupt.” - James Diddams


A Theology of Free Speech


“Absolute freedom of speech is not a moral right. … there can be no moral right to commit wrong, although there may often be a legal right. And clearly a great deal of speech, expression, and writing is wrong—whether by spreading falsehood, seducing to sin, tearing down the innocent, and much more.” - TGC


Is the World Getting Better or Worse? Yes.


“Both! This world is getting better and it is getting worse at the same time! The good seed is growing and producing an abundant harvest. The grain on one stalk is much more than the little seed that was cast into the ground. And the weeds are growing too.” - Colin Smith


We Should All Be Madisonians


“The main lesson [of Rasmussen’s new book Fears of a Setting Sun: The Disillusionment of America’s Founders] is to not place much hope in the amount of happiness, amity, and social progress that politics alone can produce. And the great teacher of that lesson, the lone Founder who retained a great deal of optimism about the American future, is James Madison.” - The Dispatch


Post-Truth America Stitches Together Patchwork Worldview of Conflicting Beliefs and Values; “Syncretism” Top Worldview Among U.S. Adults


“According to the groundbreaking American Worldview Inventory 2021—the first survey of its kind to measure not only biblical worldview, but six prominent competing worldviews—found that the overwhelming majority of American adults lack a cohesive, coherent worldview, and instead substitute a patchwork of conflicting, often irreconcilable beliefs and values as they navigate life.” -
