We are a fractured nation, but there is still hope


“The Founders worried about ‘factionalism’ becoming tyranny, but thought the nation so large and scattered that it would be impossible for the ‘like-minded’ to come together for evil ends. But modern social and mass media have helped turn citizens into mobs determined to destroy their political enemies. Do we have anything in common anymore?” - Acton


Mohler warns Dave Chappelle controversy has implications for religious liberty


“The uproar over Dave Chappelle’s latest comedy special has ramifications for Christian institutions in the U.S., argues Dr. Al Mohler….Chappelle targets multiple people groups with his special, but is making headlines mainly for his crude jokes about trans individuals, jokes many see as harmful.” - C.Leaders


Can We Make A Biblical Case for Limited Government?


“…while Jesus is neither a Democrat nor Republican, there are things he taught about morality, the state, and the church which a believer should factor into his political, social, and cultural thinking and practice.” - J.P. Moreland


ERLC to Senate leaders: Restore pro-life provisions


“The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) sent a letter expressing its opposition to the absence of the Hyde Amendment and other pro-life protections in the nine remaining spending measures for fiscal year 2022 unveiled Monday (Oct. 18).” - BPNews


The Not-So-Surprising Reason Kids Grow up to Be Atheists


“A new study published in Social Psychological and Personality Science shows that the number one predictive factor for an American child becoming an atheist is growing up in a home with little religion or religious activity.” - Lifeway
