In Defense of Motherhood: What’s Wrong with “Birthing People”


“If a mother is just a birthing person … a mother’s child is not hers in any morally thick sense. If children are raised to believe parental authority is arbitrary, and if lawyers and policymakers ingest the same vision, then the rich network of claims and duties binding parents to children will become publicly unintelligible.” - Public Discourse


Biden Joins the All-Stars of Constitutional Contempt


“What the New York Times calls a ‘novel use of a law on workplace safety’ is an invented power that violates the letter and spirit of Article II’s limits …But as has been the case for much of Washington’s decade-long journey into constitutional contempt, this one will end up as pure partisan applesauce.” - The Dispatch



“The Powers of Church and Civil Government Must Not Be Mixed”


“But authority holds only in its own jurisdiction. The government holds sway over externals, the Word of god over internals. ‘The civil magistrate protects not minds but bodies and goods from manifest harm. The Gospel protects minds from ungodly ideas, the devil, and external death.’” - Veith


Is Nation Building Moral?


“Many condemn nation-building, not so much because it’s wrong as because it’s impossible. Cultures run too deep, they say, to change from the outside. No weapon or army is stronger than a people’s will to resist. Just consider Afghanistan (twice), Vietnam, or the collapse of European empires.” - Breakpoint


Getting Your Identity Settled


Jason Hill “goes on to say that the only remedy for racial conflict is to quit our habit of our self-identification on the basis of race. Past inequities need to be set aside—he uses the term forgiven” - P&D
