The Man Behind Wisconsin’s ‘Stop the Steal’ Effort


“Among ‘John Delta’s’ requests were that counties send him data retained on voting machines. But voting machines have no data—all the vote tallies are downloaded to drives and servers and kept elsewhere.” - Dispatch


States have mandated vaccinations since long before COVID-19


“Republican- and Democratic-led states alike already require hundreds of thousands of their citizens – infants, toddlers and schoolchildren, mostly – to be vaccinated against a panoply of diseases.” - Pew


Oklahoma Pastor Running For Senate, Vows to Investigate 2020 Election


“Lead pastor of Sheridan Church in Tulsa, OK Jackson Lahmeyer told his congregation this past weekend that ‘It’s time to shout it in the halls of Congress that Jesus is King.’…Lahmeyer has said that he has signed thousands of vaccine exemption forms, a service he has offered for a one-time donation of any amount to his church.” - C.Leaders


A test for religious sincerity?


“Linking a personal religious belief to an organized religion’s stated beliefs could be problematic…. Berg noted courts have regarded the relevant religious belief in such cases as that of the individual, not the group to which he or she belongs.” - WORLD


Did the Maricopa County Audit Find 17,322 Duplicate Ballots? . . . No


“After the results of Maricopa County’s unofficial election review were released last week, baseless rumors about alleged election fraud have been circulating on social media. A popular Instagram post, for example, claims that ‘over 17,000 duplicate ballots were found JUST in Maricopa county. Trump won.’” - The Dispatch


5 Pending Supreme Court Cases Christians Should Know About


“The U.S. Supreme Court’s fall term opens this week with a number of cases that are of interest to Christians. Here are five specific cases you should know about that deal with abortion or religious liberty.” - TGC


NIH head Collins steps down, led fight against cancer, COVID


“Besides his heralded work for the NIH, Collins is known widely for writing on religion and science and reconciling the two. Last year, he was awarded … the Templeton Prize, for demonstrating how religious faith can motivate scientific research.” - RNS
