Book Review—Same Lake, Different Boat

Hubach, O. Stephanie, and Joni Tada. Same Lake, Different Boat: Coming Alongside People Touched by Disability. Phillipsburg, NH: P&R Publishing, 2006. Paperback, 234 pages. $14.99

(Review copy courtesy of P&R Publishing)


Things to Ask a Prospective Pastor

by Aaron Blumer

I’ve never been on a pulpit committee. But I have interacted with a few and read a fair number of screening questionnaires. I’ve seen the results of pulpit committee work many times. In my experience, both pulpit committees and congregations tend to overlook matters of great importance when choosing the pastors who will lead and feed them.


Book Review (2 of 2)—Simple Church

Editor’s Note: Two men requested to review this particular book for SI. Because this book has been the topic of a fair amount of discussion in Christian circles since its appearance last June, I was glad to have two independent perspectives. This is the second of two reviews of Simple Church. —Jason Button, Book Review Editor


Book Review (1 of 2)—Simple Church

Editor’s Note: Two men requested to review this particular book for SI. Because this book has been the topic of a fair amount of discussion in Christian circles since its appearance last June, I was glad to have two independent perspectives. This is the first of two reviews of Simple Church. —Jason Button, Book Review Editor


Stay Encouraged While Sowing Gospel Seed

I sill remember my first sermon like it was yesterday. A junior in high school, I sensed that the Lord was calling me to preach His Word, and my friend, Mike Pelletier, was encouraging me in my walk with Christ. He came home from Bible college for summer break (I was still in high school at the time) and told me that we were going to do a Kankakee, Illinois, version of “The War,” an evangelistic teen outreach Evangelist Jim VanGelderen was doing across the country.


Tips for Survival in the Service of the Savior, Part 1

About every other year, I attempt a full or partial decent into the Grand Canyon. “The Hike” is amazing. While many would immediately recognize the physical challenge of such a trek (the round trip is an approximate 18-mile quest), they might miss the fact that the experience can be spiritually invigorating. My dad, Dr. Jerry Tetreau, has been leading groups for nearly two decades. One of the things Dad does each year is to send out a list of items needed.
