
I’m looking for a cartoon I saw years ago that I would like to use in a sermon illustration…here’s the jist…and I’m doing it from memory do I will probably botch this up.

Two guys meet on the street and they begin to talk about their churches. The first guy says, “I’m a Baptist.” the second guy says “Me too. I’m a Calvanist”…”Me too! Superlapsarian or Sublarpasarian?” “Sub”…”Me too!” and so on…until they finally get to a minor point of disagreement and one yells at the other “Heretic!”

Anyone know where I can find it?


Baptizing a cohabitating Christian???

My wife and I have a visit to make this Tuesday. A young lady who professes to having come to faith in Christ wants to be baptized. The problem is that she is living with a boyfriend. She has 2 sons by a previous relationship, so sexual immorality has been an ongoing issue in her life for quite a while. I tend to immediately respond to things in a cut and dried way. John said, “bring forth therefore fruits worthy of repentance.” If there is not evidence of repentance, then she should not be baptized.


Request: closed churches-pictures

I’m not sure if this is the best forum to post this in (tried to pick the closest thing, thought outreach might be it), but I am looking for pictures of churches that are actually closed/disbanded. I am looking for Protestant church buildings. I prefer rural buildings but can probably use a variety. I am especially interested if there is one you have a picture of that you have personally seen (I know I can search google images, etc. — I’m asking here for what I might not find there… or may have overlooked).


Transgender in the Church: Not Hypothetical

A while back there was a thread here on SI discussing an essay assignment as part of a college course in which a hypothetical situation was presented, and the student was to discuss their plan to deal with it.


Preaching Bible in 52 Weeks

our church leadership team is praying about 2010 - we really want want to go big and preach/teach/study/read as a congregation through the Bible in a year - we’ve really encouraged people to read in a year before, but we want to preach - and get all of our Sunday schools/small groups/Bible studies all on the same page through the year.
