Resolved MP3's now available

I found that the people at the Resolved conference have started making their MP3’s available at: So far, only the first three messages have been posted.

The standard fundamentalist caveat about linking to this page does not construe an automatic endorsement of the ministry, conference, guest speakers, et cetera, et cetera is applicable to this post ;).


Pastor's Compensation - Objective Standards?

At most companies, HR uses objective standards / qualifications / criteria to determine the salary ranges for employees. For example, one’s compensation is often correlated to one’s experience, level of education, job function, industry averages, cost of living, etc.

When it comes to a pastor’s compensation, how is that determined? A better question is how should a pastor’s compensation be determined?

Should the compensation of two equally qualified / educated / experienced men be different based on the size of their family?


Waving the Flag, Part 2

Note: This article is reprinted from The Faith Pulpit (April 1999), a publication of Faith Baptist Theological Seminary (Ankeny, IA). It appears here with some slight editing.

Read Part 1.

What is happening today is not new, and it is not isolated to only a few rare incidents. Let us note and learn from some examples from the past.

Andover Seminary. Andover was started in 1807-1808 because a Unitarian had been appointed as professor of theology at Harvard. Every attempt was made to safeguard the new school’s orthodoxy. Yet within 75 years, the school’s faculty was promoting views way out of line with traditional orthodoxy, and during its 100th anniversary year—1908—it became identified with and moved back to the Harvard campus! (See: Ernest Gordon, The Leaven of the Sadducees, Chapter VI, “The Looting of Andover.”)

Rochester Seminary. Rochester Seminary had as its president from 1872 to 1912 (a forty year period) the well-known systematic theologian Augustus Hopkins Strong. Strong’s Systematic Theology is still required reading in many conservative colleges and seminaries today. Yet we are told, “Strong was in his own mind generally open to the consideration of new ideas, and his students were taught to think for themselves, so that, as one alumnus wryly reported, ‘in from one to ten years after graduation a goodly crop of ‘heretics’ is found on the alumni roll.’” (See: “Academic Freedom…” by LeRoy Moore, Jr., Foundations, January- March, 1967, X, #1, p. 66.) When Henry Vedder wrote his stinging attack upon the Bible and its essential teachings he dedicated that book (The Fundamentals of Christianity) “…to my teacher in theology, Augustus Hopkins Strong,” as did also Walter Rauschenbusch, the well-known prophet of the Social Gospel, in his book on A Theology for the Social Gospel where he states: “This book is inscribed with reverence and gratitude to Augustus Hopkins Strong…my teacher, colleague, friend…” Yet Dr. Strong, after touring several mission fields later in life, spoke out against liberalism. He observed:


ACCS Conference in Atlanta, June 25-27, 2009

I would like to invite any interested home schoolers and/or Christian educators to the Association of Classical and Christian Schools Conference in Atlanta this June 25, 26, and 27. You may walk in off the street and register, or you may still pre-register. Go to the ACCS website for full information.


Sunday School Campaigns

I am new to SI and not sure which forum this would apply to, but I thought I would open it up here and see what kind of discussion is generated. The net is full of junk that you have to wade through, but hope to get some productive exchange.

I am lookiing for ideas on Sunday School campaigns. We try to do a Spring and a Fall campaign. We have done a Spring baseball campaign where we gave “hits”and “home runs” when visitors were brought, attendance, etc and at the end those with the most “runs,” won a prize.


Working with Refugees

I’m not sure if this is the correct forum for this question or not, and I don’t know if you guys have the ability to move the topics to other forums, but it is kind of -sort of missions related, so I figured this was the most logical place for it! :)
