Will Our Relationships with Others in Heaven Be Part of Our Eternal Rewards?
On Luke 16:9… “After we die, Jesus is telling us, when our present assets of money, possessions, time, and life are gone, we may be welcomed by friends into eternal dwellings.” - Randy Alcorn
The Need for Protestant Ethicists: A Response to Carl Trueman
“Trueman is correct that moral sensibilities have profoundly shifted both within the church and without in recent decades. The church is generally ill-equipped even to begin formulating rationale to address the complex ethical questions it is confronted with.” - Mere Orthodoxy
In multi-faith Singapore, Pope Francis says ‘all religions are a path to God’
“They are like different languages in order to arrive at God, but God is God for all….Since God is God for all, then we are all children of God.” - Crux
Smashed to Pieces! The Vision in Daniel 2
Daniel’s visions are endlessly fascinating to Christians.1 So are those from Ezekiel, Zechariah, and Revelation. They stick in your mind so vividly because they’re exciting, dramatic, bizarre, otherworldly, almost fantasy-like. This is a very particular style of writing God uses to communicate hope to desperate people.
Common Ground Between YouTubers Who Disagree
Mark Ward and Scott Ingram discuss their points of agreement and disagreement on textual criticism, Textus Receptus, and the New King James version. - YouTube
Is Hyper-Cessationism a Fair Term? A Response to Scott Aniol, G3, Etc.
“although we could quibble over whether we agree with the divines on this issue, or whether we agree with Poythress’ understanding of how it all works, it is clear that the ‘circumstantial’ usage of revelation was a recognized fact in the 17th century Reformed world. There was a type of ‘two-tier’ revelation going on.” - Ref21
Book Review: Biblical Separation: The Struggle for a Pure Church, by Ernest Pickering
“…the principle of separation is a core biblical truth. We must grapple with the biblical data and its implications for ministry—and we must do it honestly and faithfully in every generation. I still believe that Pickering’s book is the most reasonable place to start that conversation.” - P&D
Christianity Requires Defending the Faith
It always astounds me that Holocaust deniers exist. Those who claim the systematic murder of Jews in Europe by Adolph Hitler is a hoax and has no factual evidence behind it often do so to advance antisemitic agendas.* Despite living Holocaust survivors, extant concentration camps, written and recorded testimonies from victims, photographs, artifacts, and other evidence, there are still those who will not accept the historicity of the Holocaust.
The Relationship of Sinaiticus (א) to the Critical Text of the Gospel of John
Did the rediscovery of the ancient manuscripts Sinaiticus and Vaticanus really lead to massive changes in our Greek New Testaments? - Mark Ward