The Place of Evidence in Apologetics (Part 1)

By Caleb Hilbert

In high school, I was a part of the debate team, where I learned the importance of crafting a persuasive argument based on logic, reason, and information. I may not be exceptionally skilled at it, but I understand its significance. Sadly, some people think debating is simply being contrarian. However, argumentation requires more than merely taking the opposite stance; it demands logic, reason, and, yes, evidence.


Does a New Gospel Fragment Detail Jesus’ Childhood?


“If the reports are accurate, then this 1,600-year-old fragment would be our oldest copy of the Infancy Gospel of Thomas—not to be confused with the so-called Gospel of Thomas. Neither text deserves to be called a Gospel” - AiG


On Church, Part 1: At Arm’s Length

I’d like to begin a brief series on what our relationship should be with our local church. Like any culture, our culture—early 21st-century American conservative evangelicalism—has its strengths and its weaknesses, its sore spots and its blind spots. I think there are some elements in our church culture that have greatly improved on the way things used to be done—improved in the sense of becoming more in line with biblical teaching—but I think there are also some important elements that we tend to de-emphasize.

So a few posts on some of those.


The Life of Peter: New Book from Derek Thomas


“Peter’s story is relatable to everyone who seeks to follow Christ in faith. And this new book beautifully shows how the grace of God transforms and sanctifies His people on this lifelong journey.” - Ligonier


The Historic Baptist View of the Nicene Creed


“Ortlund helpfully examines the historical place of the creeds in the life of Baptists. He engages with the current conversation animated by the SBC Annual Meeting motion to add the Nicene Creed to the Baptist Faith and Message.” - Credo


What Does It Mean to Stand with Israel? (Part 5)

Read the series.

While Israel faces the increasing potential of an expanding war in the Middle East, the world is clearly careening into a new era of unreserved antisemitism.

How should we as Christians respond?

If we are convinced Biblically that God still has a future for the people, nation and land of Israel—that He will fulfill every promise He has ever given His chosen people, and every prophecy He has ever made about them—that will certainly determine the tenor of our reaction.


Song of Mystery and Majesty: How Jesus Read Psalm 110


“what made Jesus’s appeal to this psalm so powerful that no one dared to ask him more questions (Matthew 22:46)? To appreciate the full significance of Jesus’s use of Psalm 110:1, we first consider the psalm in its original context.” - Desiring God
