Romans 11 and the Parable of the Olive Tree (Part 2)

In Part 1, we followed along as the apostle Paul explained that God has not forsaken the people of Israel. Instead, He is temporarily punishing them. Now, he explains why the punishment is necessary. So, Paul deploys a sort of parable to explain God’s divine rescue plan.


Video: Which TR Is the Perfectly Preserved One?


“I’m not being snarky; I’m asking very sincerely. I’m driving at what I think is an important and even peacemaking point in the debate over the text of the Greek New Testament.” - Mark Ward

(A YouTube transcript is available at the link above, though you have to do a bit of hunting to find it.)


Chafer Conference Examines ‘Israel: Past, Present, and Future’

The Chafer Theological Seminary Pastors’ Conference met for the 19th time at West Houston Bible Church this past Monday through Wednesday, March 4 to 6. In the aftermath of Hamas’ terrorist attacks on Israel on Oct. 7, 2023, the conference focused on “Israel: Past, Present, and Future.”


Intellectual Friendship: Why It Matters


“it is not enough just to describe what intellectual friendship might look like: robust conversation, charitable questioning, and civil disagreement among friends who are committed to truth-seeking. We also need to explain why it matters” - Public Discourse


The Resurrection Body of Christ the Lord, Part 4

Read the series.

At the dawn of the millennial kingdom on earth, our Lord Jesus Christ will reveal Himself in bodily form to all glorified and non-glorified believers. Just as He revealed Himself and His true identity to His astonished disciples for 40 days after His resurrection, often at mealtimes, so also will be His self-revelation at the inaugural kingdom banquet.


4 Snapshots of Dispensationalism Today


“the spread of a thin, undertheologized pop-dispensationalism and the decline of scholarly dispensationalism—are the essence of what I mean by the ‘fall’ of this doctrine in the last half century.” - Daniel Hummel
