The Relationship of Sinaiticus (א) to the Critical Text of the Gospel of John
Did the rediscovery of the ancient manuscripts Sinaiticus and Vaticanus really lead to massive changes in our Greek New Testaments? - Mark Ward
As iron sharpens iron,
one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)
Did the rediscovery of the ancient manuscripts Sinaiticus and Vaticanus really lead to massive changes in our Greek New Testaments? - Mark Ward
“One thing that must be firmly established is the fact that cessationists believe that God can perform miracles at any time or place in human history. Our God is sovereign and he always does what he pleases.” - Josh Buice
“if [Miles] Coverdale is right about the benefits of multiple translations, why do many of us feel so much angst when choosing a translation? Why is there so much pressure to have the best one?” - Text & Canon
“With a hole drilled through it, the seal was likely worn around the neck and served as both the personal seal and as a protective amulet of a local official….it may have originally been owned by a man named Hoshʼayahu, who held a senior position in the kingdom of Judah.” - Biblical Archaeology Review
“Writing in his book, Every Good Endeavor: Connecting Your Work to God’s Work, the late Dr. Tim Keller frames the larger purpose of our employment…. ‘if the purpose of work is to serve and exalt something beyond ourselves, then we actually have a better reason to deploy our talent, ambition, and entrepreneurial vigor.’” - Daily Citizen
2 Cor. 3:18 “is describing our experience now. We are being transformed. Not just in the sweet by-and-by but in the sour here and now. Progression, by degrees, from glory to glory. That sure sounds like ‘glorification.’” - Theology in 3D
“If you have spent 40 years of your life working 40 hours a week, retirement isn’t just a financial consideration, writes a philosopher.” - RNS
“While I agree that the struggle in politics is ‘theological’… it is not merely a matter of the theology of left and right at odds with one another. The problem is that unless men submit themselves to the God who made all things, they can’t see the world properly.” - Don Johnson
“We should recognize and live in accordance with our redeemed identity in Christ…. Yes, we are covered by the righteousness of Christ. We are His saints, His holy ones. But there are three tenses of salvation” - Randy Alcorn