Why I Read the Scholars Yet Still Believe that God Means What He Says

Recently, I have been immersing myself (not for the first time) in the works of writers who would disagree very strongly with the views espoused at Telos and by traditional dispensationalists in general. Trawling through these big books, paying attention to each argument and their use of Scripture, and repeatedly coming across assertions that seem to make God guilty of double-talk is, to be brutally honest, a sort of self-imposed torture. So why do I do it? I read these works because I want to be informed about the latest arguments against my position.


Do you believe the gift of Prophecy is extant today?

Prophecy. What is it? Is it preaching? Talking about how bad everything is and how angry God is because of it? Receiving and inspired message from God? Perhaps receiving an inspired message from God in raw-thought form (Grudem/D.A. Carson)? Being more sensitive to the Spirit’s leading than perhaps many other believers? Being able to predict the future.

There are several considerations, and we are here speaking about genuine prophecy (if it exists today), not Satanic, frenzy-induced, etc.


Theology Thursday - Where Do Baptists Come From?

In 1867, Pastor R.J.W. Buckland delivered a conference lecture on Baptist history, which was later re-produced in the famous Madison Avenue Lectures (1867). Buckland later became a Professor at Rochester Theological Seminary and died a relatively young man, aged 48, in 1877. One contemporary obituary damned him with rather faint praise when it remarked he was “by no means a brilliant orator,” then hastened to add he was a beloved and admired member of the faculty.
