General Revelation (Part 2)

Read Part 1.

General Revelation is not potential knowledge, but actual knowledge. The phrase “gnontes ton theon” in Romans 1:21, translated as “[they] knew God” implies knowing God already. If that is the case, a theological apologetic witness to God utilizing only the world around should be aimed at awakening and reminding the sinner to what they have suppressed, and elucidating what is presently known. When we look at the world, we are always reminded of our Creator.


Is the Seventh Day 24-Hours Long?


“Old Testament scholar and old-earth creationist C. John Collins argues that the lack of the refrain ‘evening and morning’ on the seventh day is a reason not to understand it as an ordinary day and therefore “makes us question whether the other days are supposed to be ordinary in their length.’” - AiG


Theology Thursday - Thinking for Yourself

In this excerpt from his systematic theology text,1 Millard Erickson explains some lessons for today, in light of the contemporary theological scene. He challenges the reader to go beyond a narrow set of pre-packaged doctrines; to think independently and responsibly.


General Revelation (Part 1)

Revelation, be it in nature, within ourselves, or inscripturated in a book, is always God’s prerogative. It always comes from God, and man is designed to receive it. Man is not the one who starts with himself and discovers God in the universe, rather God discloses himself, and man ought to take immediate notice of God’s self-revelation.

Let me start with a basic definition of general revelation: General Revelation is God’s self-disclosure in nature and in the psychological aspects of man.
