A Fresh Look at the 5 Missionary Martyrs in Ecuador


“We’ve been telling the story for 63 years and counting, after all. We know what happened. But in God in the Rainforest: A Tale of Martyrdom and Redemption in Amazonian Ecuador, historian Kathryn T. Long suggests we may not know as much as we think.” - TGC


Alvah Hovey on the Intermediate State

Alvah Hovey was, at various times, both a Professor and President at the Newton Theological Institution for fifty-four years in the latter half of the 19th century. His systematic theology, entitled Manual of Systematic Theology and Christian Ethics, was published in 1877. In this excerpt, Hovey explains his understanding of the intermediate state.1


Baptist Bulletin Podcast: the Church and the Kingdom


“What does the Bible mean when it speaks of a coming Kingdom? And how should Christians understand the Church’s relationship to that Kingdom? David Gunn discusses these questions with Andy Woods, author of The Coming Kingdom.” - GARBC


Stanley’s “Irresistible” Is a Dangerous Disappointment


“Stanley conjectures that the modern church and Christianity are resistible because the Old Testament is mixed into Christianity and that believers sense the need to defend the Old Testament’s historicity and accuracy, which leads to alienating ‘post-Christians.’” - GARBC
