The Kingdom of God in Luke (Part 2)

Read Part 1.

The Kingdom in Your Midst” (Luke 17:21)

Considerable effort has been applied to these words, and an array of interpretations put forth. Perhaps most common is the view that Jesus is claiming that the Kingdom is inside of people; that is, of those who will open their hearts to accept it. In this outlook the Kingdom is an internal spiritual thing; hence, the phrases “does not come with observation” and “within you” would mean that the Kingdom is internal not external.


Understanding Sola Scriptura


“This conviction of sola Scriptura— the Scriptures alone are the Word of God and, therefore, the only infallible rule for life and doctrine—provided the fuel needed to ignite the Reformation. Indeed, it was regarded as the ‘formal cause’ of the Reformation (whereas sola fide, or ‘faith alone,’ was regarded as the ‘material cause’).” - Ligonier


How satisfied are you with the Bible you use for ministry?

IMO, every Bible version has its pros and cons.

This is your chance to express your level of contentment with the version you use. And, even if you are very content, you can list things you don’t like about your version. I guess this is a complaint forum for less than perfection!

While commenting, you can mention which version you use. Maybe a revision committee will see our gripes, or maybe you will find comfort in not being alone.


The Simulation Hypothesis: A Materialist Spirituality?


“The notion that we are all self-aware software trapped inside computer-generated virtual reality first gained academic credibility in a 2003 paper published by Oxford philosopher and futurist Nick Bostrom… . One of the appeals of simulation theory, [Rothman] thinks, is that it ‘gives atheists a way to talk about spirituality,’ or something like it. It offers ‘a source of awe.’” - Breakpoint


Compassion, Judgment, and the Insufficiency of “Progressive Christianity”


“some thoughts on a movement within the church called “Progressive Christianity.” Among other doctrines, proponents of this movement have questioned the long-held belief … that Jesus “will come to judge the living and the dead.” Efforts have also been made to re-interpret Jesus’s teaching about hell and judgment….
