Feeding Carnivores on Noah’s Ark


“…even if carnivory was prevalent in the late pre-flood world, it is still possible that the animals that God sent to Noah did not eat meat or were omnivores that could have survived for one year without meat.” - AiG


The Image of God Offers Freedom


“Even atheists like Friedrich Nietzsche or the modern-day philosopher Luc Ferry, have acknowledged that our ideas about human dignity, human equality and human value were not present across cultures and civilizations, but were introduced to the world in Christianity. Why? Because of its core belief that humans were made in the image and likeness of God.” - Breakpoint


Ed Stetzer to become editor of Outreach magazine, Sermon Central, Church Leaders


“As part of this move, I will be leaving Christianity Today. I’m thankful for my time there. It includes several friendships and some significant impact together. I will remain a paying subscriber and a supporter because I think that Christianity Today is an important part of evangelicalism.” - C.Today


Satan Tempts the Christ (2)

Read Part 1.

The second temptation of Jesus in Matthew concerns the protection of God:

Then the devil took Him up into the holy city, set Him on the pinnacle of the temple, and said to Him, “If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down. For it is written: `He shall give His angels charge over you,’ and, `In their hands they shall bear you up, Lest you dash your foot against a stone.’” (Matthew 4:5-6)


From the Archives – Jonah: The Runaway Prophet

Jonah is “a paradox: a prophet of God, and yet a runaway from God: a man drowned, and yet alive: a preacher of repentance, yet one that repines at repentance.”1


Book Briefs: Rejoice & Tremble by Michael Reeves


“…there are times when this book feels more academic than I would like. But in the end, I found that Michael Reeves thoroughness provides a firm and stable biblical foundation for adopting a nuanced understanding of the fear of the Lord. (If you’d like a more concise version of Rejoice & Tremble, Reeves released an 80-page version…” - Tim Augustyn


“Good and Necessary Consequence” (WCF) or “Necessarily Contained in” (2LCF): Is There a Difference?

In Chapter One: “Of the Holy Scripture,” the Second London Confession of Faith (2LCF) is almost identical to the Westminster Confession of Faith (WCF) and the Savoy Declaration (SD) on which it is based.1 There are only three minor differences worth noting.2 First, the Baptists add a sentence at the beginning of the chapter that is found neither in the WCF n


Review: ‘Men and Women in the Church’ by Kevin DeYoung


“DeYoung—pastor, professor, and prolific author—writes with clarity of style, depth of theological astuteness, and an uncanny ability to sort and categorize ideas. He keeps his promise of writing a short, ‘intelligent and readable’ book” - TGC
