Numbers 5:12 FF

Does the protocol prescribed to determine the guilt or innocence of a possibly unfaithful wife when other evidence is lacking describe an abortive procedure? I have run into some acquaintances of late that insist that it does. Would appreciate a clearer understanding of what is being presented here.


Can Thomas Aquinas save us from (post)modernism?


“One of the more common mischaracterizations is that Thomas Aquinas is a pure rationalist who subverts the Scriptures at the expense of his philosophical musings. Contrary to this narrative, Aquinas was a man who was steeped in the Scriptures. For Thomas, the love of God is more important than the knowledge of God, even though both are absolutes.” - Credo


Let’s Talk about Cremation–Theologically


“Christians (and others) who think burial is somehow more consistent with resurrection are simply confused—about both buried (or entombed) bodies and about resurrection bodies. With very, very few exceptions, buried bodies eventually decay, rot, even liquify.” - Roger Oleson


Jesus Is Jehovah, Part 6: Excursus—Descent into Hell


“The phrase is rare, but it does appear twice in the OT. In Isaiah 44.23 it appears in contrast with heaven: “Sing O ye heavens; … shout, ye lower parts of the earth.” Here it clearly means the earth as distinguished from heaven; grammarians would call this a ‘genitive of apposition’—’ye lower parts, that is to say, the earth.’” - Olinger
