Review of ‘Covenant’ by Daniel I. Block (Part 1)

A Review of Daniel I. Block, Covenant: The Framework of God’s Grand Plan of Redemption, Grand Rapids: Baker, 2021, 704 pages, hdbk.

Daniel Block has been a major evangelical OT scholar for many years, contributing commentaries on Ezekiel, Deuteronomy, and Judges/Ruth, and many articles. He is known for his incisive and creative scholarship. Therefore, this contribution to the study of covenants in the Bible is most welcome.


Hard-Copy Bibles Aren’t Just Nostalgic


“Handling a physical Bible taught me, at a subconscious level, to read Scripture as a canon, a library of books whose disparate voices could be heard as if they were speaking with and alongside one another about the same subject matter.” - C.Today


What is your view of the current gift of Prophecy (main concept)?

The gift of prophecy in the modern church is interpreted in many ways in our day. Sometimes, folks beleive is several different aspects of the gift.

So please choose what you believe is the predominant aspect of the gift in our day. Then comment with your nuances and qualifying statements, please.

Poll Results

What is your view of the current gift of Prophecy (main concept)?


Review: ‘Holier Than Thou’ by Jackie Hill Perry


“In her new book, Holier Than Thou: How God’s Holiness Helps Us Trust Him, Jackie Hill Perry—author, poet, Bible teacher, and artist—invites readers to consider what the reality of God’s holiness means for our daily lives.” - TGC


The Kingdom of God in Luke (Part 7)

The “Times of the Gentiles”

A great deal has been written about “the Times of the Gentiles,” especially by Dispensational writers. But before we can know what it refers to we must situate it in the discourse in which it stands. I have given reasons why Luke 21:20-23 concern the end of days. Jesus speaks of Jerusalem being surrounded by armies (Lk. 21:20), and of the city being trampled down by the Gentiles (Lk. 21:24b). It seems natural to think of Zechariah 12:1-31 and Revelation 11:2.


Review: Sinclair Ferguson’s new book Lessons from the Upper Room


“While Lessons from the Upper Room is an exposition of John 13-17, it is by no means a dry or academic work. To the contrary, it is devotional and applicable. It did, after all, begin as a series of lessons for laypersons—a teaching series distributed through Ligonier Ministries.” - Challies


Let’s Talk about Compatibilism


“Most simply defined, it is the belief that determinism and free will are compatible. That is, it is possible to believe in both without contradiction.” - Roger Olson
