Alone with Kevin


I will be on the radio with Kevin Boling in Greenville, SC at 1:05 p.m. Eastern time on Thursday, August 3rd talking about my new book. You can listen online at or on the radio at AM 660.


A Separatist's First Stroll Through Grace Community Church

Traveling from the firecrackers and firewater of mountain man country in Wyoming (and Red Cliff Bible Camp), through the white steeples and dark sanctuaries of Mormon country in Utah, and then on through the slot machines and strip joints of gambler’s country in Nevada, my family finally arrived in the L.A. area, the mecca for Christian and “so-called evangelical” movements in the West.


The Price of a Christian Education

When we speak of the price of a Christian education, many think only of dollar signs. True, expenses have risen, and one can no longer attend a Christian college for approximately $1,000 a year as I did when I began my freshman year of college!
