MBBC Board Sends Letter About Jaspers Resignation


On May 12, Dr. Dave Jaspers resigned as President of Maranatha Baptist Bible College. We followed the story on SharperIron in the ensuing weeks as more information was released.
We will be removing the letter from Dr. Jaspers as well as the original letter from the Board on Friday, July 28th. These documents will not be archived at SharperIron.
Jason Janz
Site Publisher


Typing with Grace, Seasoned with Salt (Part 2 of 2)

Cyber Discourse Among Family

In part one of our discussion on graceful internet speech, we looked at God’s biblical expectations of Christians in their communication with one another and examined a few faulty excuses sometimes used for stooping to the world’s level when dealing with disagreements with other brothers or sisters in Christ. We noted, among other things, the hypocrisy of burning bridges with brothers in the name of the Lord’s work and the support from James for taking a stance against this double-minded manner of conversation.


Typing with Grace, Seasoned with Salt (Part 1 of 2)

Cyber Discourse Among Family

I’ll be direct. Why do we Christians tolerate hateful diatribes, vindictive one-upmanship, and snide sarcasm between brothers and sisters in the faith on the web? John wrote, “In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother. For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning, that we should love one another. Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother” (1 John 3:10-12a, KJV).


Russell H. Conwell (1843-1925)

Once Famous, Now Forgotten

NOTE: This article is reprinted with permission from As I See It, a monthly electronic magazine compiled and edited by Doug Kutilek. AISI is sent free to all who request it by writing to the editor at dkutilek@juno.com.

by Doug Kutilek


Creationist Kent Hovind Arrested on Federal Charges


“The debtor apparently maintains that as a minister of God, everything he owns belongs to God and he is not subject to paying taxes to the United States on money he receives for doing God’s work.”
Story Here
