Kids 4 Truth Releases New Dynamation: "The Watchmaker"


Watch “The Watchmaker”
From Kids 4 Truth:
“This dynamic animation (i.e. Dynamation) transports the viewer into an imaginary world where by chance and chance alone, a beautiful, working watch is formed over a process of millions of years. Where did the watch come from?Obviously, the idea of a watch forming by chance and/or accident is sheer lunacy!


Beauty and the Best (Part 2 of 2)

Toward the Development of Christian Aesthetics in Music

While the Bible never specifically connects music with beauty, it does connect worship with beauty in several Old Testament passages. Consider these verses (with emphasis added):


Greek Posting Tool


Check out the Desymbolizer- Very Cool!
“The Desymbolizer converts text and icons which have been created to only display correctly when using the Symbol font into the Unicode equivalent, which displays correctly everywhere.”


Beauty and the Best (Part 1 of 2)

Toward the Development of Christian Aesthetics in Music

For centuries, economists struggled to answer the seeming disparity between the value of diamonds and the value of water. This paradox was discussed by great thinkers such as Copernicus, Locke, and Smith. Water is essential for life and has many purposes but is far less valuable than diamonds which are mostly appreciated for their beauty alone. Shouldn’t water carry the greater value?


Wisdom for Watertown

Rarely does God’s Word seem so practical as when we go through deep waters. Solomon has much to say to the current dilemma surrounding MBBC, and I hope to share some words “fitly spoken” (Prov. 25:11) to help hurting souls react in a Christlike manner. I read many websites, blog comments, forum posts, and personal emails related to the situation. Some were healthy; some were toxic. I have received phone calls from those on “both sides” of the issue. It’s not the volume of correspondence that concerns me. It’s the passion behind them. What does God want us to do?
