O Magnum Mysterium, Part 1
Come, Let Us Adore Him
Two Weeks in the Promised Land
Several weeks ago, my wife and I toured Israel and Jordan for the first time. It was an experience we’ll never forget and one we’d love to repeat. It’s also an experience we’re eager to recommend to others. Every Bible-believing Christian should seriously consider visiting the Promised Land, and every church should consider sending its pastor(s) there. Here’s why.
At Least 8 People Shot And Two Killed In Shootings At Two Ministry Locations in CO
Evaluating Beth Moore
Kim at The Upward Call reports on her investigation of a Beth Moore Bible study. Read it here.
The Perfect Counselor
by Debi Pryde
Book Review: The Expository Genius of John Calvin
Reviewed by Doug Smith.
Lawson, Stephen J. The Expository Genius of John Calvin. Lake Mary, FL: Reformation Trust Publishing, 2007. Hardcover, 142 pages. $15.00.
(Review copy courtesy of Reformation Trust.)
Are We Known for Calling Upon Yahweh?
By Todd Wood.
A while ago, a 70-year-old single man took me out to lunch at a fast-food joint. Innocent enough. Yet while I was hungrily munching on my thick Arb’y roast beef sandwich, loaded with special sauce, my friend point-blank asked me how much time I spend in prayer.