So Why Go to School?

In The Nick of Time
by Kevin T. Bauder

In a recent In the Nick of Time essay, I suggested that learning is not the only qualification for ministry. I argued that it is not even the most important qualification. The brightest student may fail in ministry if he lacks the skills that will enable him to bring his learning to bear upon the lives of people.


Four Ways Instrumentalists Can Raise the Bar

by Greg Howlett

Music is a lightning rod for controversy on SharperIron, and I am hopeful that this article will lead to some thoughtful discussion and introspection. However, I have challenged myself to write about music in a way that is relevant to the average fundamentalist church while avoiding the normal debates about CCM and stylistic preferences.


SI Fantasy Football: Week 12 Results


This is the final week of games before our league playoffs. The top eight teams will advance to a winning bracket. Here are the complete standings after week 12:
1. Jon Schrock (9-3)
2. Shawn Clapp (9-3)
3. Jay Camp (8-4)
4. Jared Page (8-4)
5. Bob Hayton (7-5)
6. Dereck Muth (7-5)
7. Brian McCrorie (7-5)
8. Ed Groover (6-6)
9. Thomas Pryde/Charles Eldred (6-6)
10. Brian Keith (6-6)
11. Matt Tolosa (5-7)
12. Duane Braswell (5-7)
13. Matt Johnson (4-8)
