Top 10 Religous Stories of 2007

Another year has rolled by, and it’s time for my annual list of Top 10 Religious Stories for the last 12 months. In years past, I issued the “Top 10 Fundamentalist Stories” and “The Top 10 Fundamentalist and Evangelical Stories.” Last year, I offered two lists—one for fundamentalists and one for evangelicals. But this past year was a relatively slow one, so it’s 10TopA.jpgback to a combined list. Doing a combined list is awkward at best for a variety of issues.


An Unsafe God

by Pastor Dan Miller

Editor’s Note: This article was reprinted with permission from Dan Miller’s book Spiritual Reflections.

“Who said anything about safe?”


Merry Christmas from the Dan Burrell Family

BurrellsMerry Christmas from the Burrell family in Charlotte, NC. This has been a year of great change for us as the Lord has redirected our ministry focus that has resulted in a change of houses, a change of schooling, and a change of ministry.


Prayers Requested for Dr. Wendell Kempton


Former ABWE President, Dr. Wendell Kemptom is gravely ill and a call to prayer has been issued by his family and current ABWE President, Dr. Michael Loftis.
Information HERE.


Merry Christmas from the Joe Roof Family

roofs_christmas07.jpgThis year, my family has been dwelling on the fact that God shared Himself with us through the miracle of the incarnation. Instead of seeing Christmas as some type of materialistic grab-all, Kim and I pray that our children will see this holiday and every day as an opportunity to share God’s Good News and goodness to others. So, this Christmas, we started giving to others before buying presents for ourselves. (Right: Joe, Kim, Daniel, Naomi, and Kyla Roof)
