Philip Bliss on Teaching Children to Sing


Jamie Mulfinger relates pertinent discussion from Philip Bliss on the topic of teaching God-honoring music to children, pointing out that many of his concerns are relevant today. Click here.


Confronting Myself

by Beth Murschell
murschell_mirror.jpgWhen coma patients become conscious after, say, 20 years, I imagine them catching up on the world, shocked at all the advances in technology, at who has become President, or at wars or historical events that they’ve missed. But nothing will convince them more of the reality of passing time than a look in the mirror.


SI Fantasy Football: Week 11 Results


The Top Five after week 11 games are:
1. Jon Schrock (8-3)
2. Shawn Clapp (8-3)
3. Bob Hayton (7-4)
4. Jay Camp (7-4)
5. Jared Page (7-4)
Only two more weeks until the FF playoffs! Check out the action by clicking here.


In Praise of Average Students

In The Nick of Time
by Kevin T. Bauder

Seminaries are academic institutions. Consequently, they tend to celebrate academic attainment. Typically, the best students are thought to be the ones with the highest grade point averages. Since these students have written the best papers and scored highest on the exams, they are sometimes considered the best prepared for ministry.
