Association of Low to Moderate Alcohol Drinking With Cognitive Functions From Middle to Older Age Among US Adults


“In this cohort study of 19887 participants from the Health and Retirement Study, with a mean follow-up of 9.1 years, when compared with never drinking, low to moderate drinking was associated with significantly better trajectories of higher cognition scores for mental status, word recall, and vocabulary and with lower rates of decline in each of these cognition domains.” - JAMA


Pope: Confess sins directly to God if no priests available during virus pandemic


“A Vatican tribunal that deals with matters of conscience, including confession, called the Apostolic Penitentiary, issued a notice Friday, stating that though absolution of sin is the usual means through which sins are forgiven by a priest, in times of ‘grave necessity,’ such as now with the ongoing spread of the virus, other solutions are needed… Confession is considered a sacrament in the Catholic Church.” -


Pastors: Don’t get Power Scammed!

Reposted from The Cripplegate.

Pastors: have you been invited to speak at a conference in Great Britain? Don’t fall for it. Unless your name is Steve Lawson, it’s a scam. This conference con is not only common in the United States, but I have heard of pastors in South Africa, Rwanda, and Ghana all getting snagged by it.

How in the world does someone scam pastors by inviting them to preach at a conference in the UK? Where is the money in that? Well, I found out, and here is how:


Rolls-Royce promotes exclusive Mass with pope — for $155,000


“Every week, thousands of Catholics from all walks of life swarm into St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican to participate in Mass with Pope Francis, who has put concern for the poor at the center of his papacy. But now, a few lucky people may have the opportunity to attend a private Mass with the pontiff. All they have to do is own a Rolls-Royce.


Jehovah’s Witnesses complete entire Bible in American Sign Language


“On Feb. 15, the last of the Bible’s 66 books — the story of Job — was released in video on the Jehovah’s Witnesses website, completing what Robert Hendriks, U.S. spokesman for the church, said is the only complete Bible in ASL.” - RNS


If you were curious: Mormonism has really annoyed some left-handed people


“… a talk that President Dallin Oaks gave in Chicago to a group of youth. In his remarks, he said he felt prompted to teach them something of great importance: ‘I had an impression from the Spirit of the Lord to teach something to each of you…. And today, I saw quite a few of the deacons take the sacrament with their left hand.


Catholic investigations are still shrouded in secrecy


“In the case of Bufallo’s Bishop Malone, none of the visitation’s findings have been shared publicly. In his official statement, Malone defended his handling of clergy abuses before explaining that ‘prayer and discernment’ had led him to resign.” - The Conversation
