The temptation of propaganda
“While all ages and people are tempted by what Josef Pieper calls the ‘abuse of language, abuse of power,’ the French social philosopher Jacques Ellul, argues that contemporary technological society makes propaganda more pervasive.” - Acton
Making life-or-death decisions is very hard – here’s how we’ve taught people to do it better
“The resulting delay, which we’ve called ‘redundant deliberation,’ happens when people take too long to make a choice between difficult options. We’ve found indecision is the most dangerous aspect of a high-stakes situation. ” - The Conversation
The Crisis of Catholic Leadership
“In the last 48 hours there have been two big Vatican stories…But really it’s all one story, the big story of contemporary Catholicism: a disastrous failure of leadership at the top of the Church.” - National Review
Candidate to lead the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation may reflect a shift in GOP attitudes toward palliative care and “death panels”
“You can’t talk about algorithms without getting some legislators nervous that what you’re doing isn’t assisting patients in better choices, but mandating their death or nudging them to choose to end their lives and save money for the healthcare system.” - W. Examiner
Why Is a Forgiving Hug Offensive?
“What has surprised me is the reaction. Many find [Brandt’s] choice to forgive offensive—or at least an occasion to condemn and criticize.” - Kevin Schaal
Thousands of Swedes Are Implanting Microchips into Their Hands – “Sign of the Antichrist?”
“People have shown they’re happy to give up privacy for convenience,” he continued. “The chip is very convenient, so could we accept our data being shared very widely before we know the risks?” - Christian Headlines
“’s harder to hate up close” – Grace-Filled Response Sparks Change in Wedding Venue Owner’s Views on Interracial Marriage
“After searching Saturday evening, Saturday night, most of the day Sunday and sitting down with my pastor Sunday night after church, I have come to the conclusion my decision, which was based on what I had thought was correct to be supported by the Bible, was incorrect!” - Christian Headlines