Conservative publication fact checks election fraud stories

“All of these claims, with the exception of the absentee Georgia ballots (which seemed like honest confusion and could actually have hurt Joe Biden if true, given his general advantage in mailed-in ballots), were shared to bolster the claim that the election was stolen from Donald Trump. And all of them, with the exception of the claim that Pennsylvania reported a batch of ballots all for Biden, were false. (Even that one was missing some context.)” - The Dispatch


The PA Supreme Court unconstitutionally changed the election law. Only the legislature has that authority. If the US Supreme Court rules as they should, more than enough ballots may yet be invalidated for Trump to win PA.

Yes, but in the end it is just noise in regards to the final outcome. The votes have not been counted and it is not clear that even if they have been counted, they would shift the results.


He lost. He can whine, pout, throw temper tantrums and act like a spoiled little boy if he wishes. He lost. Bye bye, Donald. I look forward to the GOP primaries in 2024. Hopefully, they can put forward a serious candidate.

If the Democrats are allowed to steal this election, the Republicans could run a George Washington/Archangel Michael ticket in 24 and it won’t matter. When all the “votes” you need to win any given state can magically appear under the cover of darkness, it’s not about the candidates any more.

to mail in votes that were sent out by the millions, you lose tight control on the vote. I realize that it normally works in several states like that, but when the Democrats decide Trump is synonymous with Hitler and he has to be defeated, they will do whatever it takes to win. If there was any “cheating” it was in that mail in category that you are never going to prove. So the election is over. Move on. Pray. And beg for mercy from the Lord.

All of the accusations of fraud, irregularity, and improper ballots being counted need to be investigated to determine if any credible evidence exists to verify the accusations. The courts are involved because of disagreements about the application of the laws to the ballots and the possibility of illegal ballots. The Republicans need to produce credible evidence to substantiate their accusations. If they cannot produce evidence, then either they haven’t found enough evidence yet or the evidence doesn’t exist. In order to change the apparent results of the election, Trump will have to win at least 2 states which currently Biden has won. Otherwise he will not have the Electoral College votes to be President, even if they do prove fraud. In any case, the country needs credible resolution to Republican charges of fraud since we can’t have 1/2 of the country doubting the integrity of national elections. That is a recipe for continual conflict and violence.

Wally Morris
Huntington, IN

Bert Perry wrote:

The thing here, regarding claims that “we don’t know”, is that there is something we do know. There are a lot of people out there who were registered poll watchers who were denied access.

I would encourage you to read the details in some of the less biased news sources. In all cases, there were poll watchers. Rudy and Trump declared that poll watchers were denied access in a Detroit precint. This is true, but what they forget to mention is that there were already more than 200 Republican poll watchers roaming around the precint room and that it had reached capacity as hundreds more poll watchers wanted access. All of these cases in the various states have been investigated and been proven to be false by numerous investigations. What we have perpetuating this discussion is Rudy and Trump rehashing the same story and numerous far right sites reprinting the same exact story.…

Let me know which sources those are. As far as I can tell, almost all of those “better” news sources completely ignored what should have been a bombshell—the release of texts (and crack smoking pictures) from Hunter Biden’s laptop. Many of them have been “helpfully” changing the question with alarming frequency in their “fact check” articles. They did nothing to get to know about Barack Obama’s history—when his admitted drug use in his autobiographies ought to have raised quite a bit of concern—but they were eager to work with those who committed felonies to release Donald Trump’s tax returns (as well as leaks of classified information).

Put gently, if the Old Gray Lady, Washington Post, and CNN want to know why a large section of the nation doesn’t trust them (and Fox after their election coverage), all they need to do is look in the mirror. Wonder why more and more people are going to alternative news sources? It’s because it’s getting more and more obvious when the finger is on the scale.

As for me,what I’m seeing is that the independent sources seem to be providing sworn testimonies and even video supporting their allegations. Claiming “200 poll watchers were there” really doesn’t answer the fact that in one area, it was apparent that as soon as a Republican poll watcher spotted and objected to irregularities, they were evicted.

Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.

Some of you need to do more digging before outright dismissing election disputes. Yes, there is clear evidence of miscounts or “mistakes” on a large scale. For example, in Michigan, did you know that 6,000 (yes, SIX THOUSAND) votes went to Biden instead of Trump IN ONE COUNTY due to a computer “glitch” or “human error”? That computer software is used in all battleground states and 47 counties in Michigan. Remember, Biden won Wisconsin by only about 20,000 votes. So if that glitch happened four times in Wisconsin with the same results (and those glitches are investigated and overturned), the state flips for Trump.

I’m not judging anyone’s motives in this example. I can’t call this “fraud” per se if in fact human error is to blame (though one can’t help wondering if it was intentional). But the wrong assignment of that many votes is a colossal mistake and warrants further investigation of every county that uses this software. (As for Pennsylvania and some other states, you can definitely call some of what has happened as pointing to fraud, and the courts will have to decide.) I am linking an article about these 6,000 votes from a website that isn’t considered a right-wing conspiracy site. Notice the headline says “claims.” That’s an example of bias since this was no claim. The miscounting of 6,000 votes was proved, and the correction flipped the county from Biden to Trump. It also affected the John James Senate race, and it is why James has not conceded at this time, pending an investigation into other examples of miscounting in Michigan.…

The bottom line is that you have 70 million voters who will no longer trust their votes moving forward until some of these mistakes or irregularities are investigated and closed. All Gore had more than a month to investigate the 2000 election results. Trump voters deserve the same treatment. If it is deemed that Trump lost, then he lost. And the country should move forward.

[Adam Blumer]

Some of you need to do more digging before outright dismissing election disputes. Yes, there is clear evidence of miscounts or “mistakes” on a large scale. For example, in Michigan, did you know that 6,000 (yes, SIX THOUSAND) votes went to Biden instead of Trump IN ONE COUNTY due to a computer “glitch” or “human error”? That computer software is used in all battleground states and 47 counties in Michigan. Remember, Biden won Wisconsin by only about 20,000 votes. So if that glitch happened four times in Wisconsin with the same results (and those glitches are investigated and overturned), the state flips for Trump.

Everyone needs to stop reading headlines and start doing your own digging. All of this has been debunked numerous times across a whole swath of investigative sites. Proof? Well the key one should be that none of these are progressing through the filing status at a court house without being thrown out. There is a massive disinformation campaign going out and people need to be more discerning around what they read. We seem to be so good at it with Scripture, but throw it out when it comes to news. We seek to find news stories to support a narrative that we feel is true, without digging deeper. First, all of the news stories around a glitch are being reported as “GOP claims”, not that anything has been proven. When you seek the reports from the Secretary of State who has legal authority and rights to articulate what happened, or you look at the AG for that state or you dig into investigative sites, including non-partisan ones, you will find there is no substance here. Second, this is all part of a disinformation plan that the campaign and the GOP has, and it follows a clear conspiracy narrative, that is well documented in psychology studies. You only need to poke a lot of small tiny holes, tie them together (whether they can legitimately or not) and then paint a story that the whole thing is suspect. I encourage you to do your own research on the web, but here is one article out of many, that actually explored the facts and didn’t report on what a GOP person claims happened.…

[Bert Perry]

Wonder why more and more people are going to alternative news sources? It’s because it’s getting more and more obvious when the finger is on the scale.

As for me,what I’m seeing is that the independent sources seem to be providing sworn testimonies and even video supporting their allegations. Claiming “200 poll watchers were there” really doesn’t answer the fact that in one area, it was apparent that as soon as a Republican poll watcher spotted and objected to irregularities, they were evicted.

Ha! The reason more and more people are going to alternative news sources is because you have a president who routinely or almost exclusively pedals in conspiracy theories and false narratives, of the likes that we have never seen. He controls a rabid base that feeds off of these. He calls into question just not news sources, but anyone who disagrees with him, regardless of how stupid his comments are. My favorite was all of the sites trying to explain his idea of putting a UV light into you. I mean come on. The internet and Steve Bannon would be glad to spin up as many radical sites as people want, pushing stories that feed into people’s narratives. I mean the Russians are doing it in droves, all the while you have an oblivious set of people who think that they have finally found the truth while Steve Bannon sits on yachts wracking in his fortunes and Putin is laughing like crazy. I for one am so pleased to see Trump leaving. Good riddance.

Time will tell. We will see all of these legal filings thrown out, but people will still feel that they are cheating and that there is a conspiracy here, not realizing that the scale and depth of something like this that would be needed to pull this off would be impossible. But I guess that is why QAnnon is here and all of its evangelical followers. The quality of a man is foretold in how he exits. What we are seeing is a narcissist who is going to cry about this. Picture this against how Bush handed off the WhiteHouse to Obama and it is night and day.

Here the thing. I cut cable about 6 months ago, so election night and a few nights since I’ve watched the CBS coverage. It is hilariously biased 100% Democrat. Its not really hilarious because of how egregious it is. Their coverage is so anti-Trump and pro-Biden that you might as well be listening to the Biden Press Secretary talk all the time. They see nothing but the metropolitan “Trump is evil and Biden is needed to save the world” view.

Dgszweda, Gizmodo is far-left media. Why would you trust anything it says? I knew I wasn’t at a standard site when there was an expletive three words into the article. But this is to be trusted more than my source? Why?

This is part of the problem. Nobody knows where in the media to go to get the straight facts.

Here’s FOX News. Not a word about this being a phony story:…


Just google “6000 ballots Michigan.” You’ll see this story confirmed by many sources, and you point to only one that says it’s not true. Seriously?

First, all that’s needed to go to court is evidence of fraud, not proof. Proving it (or not) happens at that point.

Second, it’s easy to say “there’s no evidence of fraud,” but that statement means nothing when one is not allowed to look for it. “Observers” that are too far away can’t actually examine anything, any more than nuclear observers in Iran kept out of certain places.

Of course we shouldn’t pass around unsubstantiated allegations as if they were truth, but it’s not more “honest” to simply accept results without verification when there is at least some evidence of irregularities. We should demand verification even if it takes a long time. The integrity of the U.S. election process is worth it.

Dave Barnhart

Adam Blumer wrote,

“All Gore had more than a month to investigate the 2000 election results. Trump voters deserve the same treatment. If it is deemed that Trump lost, then he lost. And the country should move forward.”

Well, that the sanest thing anyone (pro or con) can say about it.

Dr. Paul Henebury

I am Founder of Telos Ministries, and Senior Pastor at Agape Bible Church in N. Ca.

In 2000 the Florida results depended upon a few hundred votes. In 2020 we are talking thousands, really tens of thousands, in several states. It is highly unlikely they are going to find that many “discrepancies.”


In 2000 the Florida results depended upon a few hundred votes. In 2020 we are talking thousands, really tens of thousands, in several states. It is highly unlikely they are going to find that many “discrepancies.”

It’s unlikely unless you have local authorities in Wisconsin (esp. Madison and Milwaukee), Michigan (Detroit, Flint), Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh, Philly), and Georgia putting their finger on the scales to drag Biden across the finish line. Then all bets are off; the numbers will be what they think they can get away with. There are also places where a good statistical look at voting and counting patterns would be very interesting—it might not be sufficient to find and convict perpetrators, but it could show some distinctly non-random patterns. Translated; finger on the scale.

Regarding the notion that responsible media outlets have “debunked” allegations—well, that’s just as silly a claim as the claim that they’ve been authoritatively proven, isn’t it? Plus, as Mark Blumer notes, “gizmodo” is not exactly a “less biased” source. There are some allegations that are going to be quickly disproven, and there are others—like the poll watchers claiming fraud—that are going to take some more work to vet.

Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.