Not Believing God Is and Should Be A Problem in Denying Perfect Preservation of Scripture
Do you happen to have Pickering’s list? I would be confident that within five minutes of having the manuscript images in front of me I could find differences. There are even differences when a manuscript is a known abschrift - a direct copy from a known, still extant manuscript.
—nevermind, I found Pickering’s list and now recall his argument. Basically all it shows is there are some manuscripts that were tightly similar, but still by no means identical. And by no means does this family of manuscripts agree tightly with other Byzantine families of manuscripts.
Most of the arguments in the KJVO debate have been adequately answered in the numerous books written by both Fundamentalists and Conservative Evangelicals. Dr. Bill Combs has written extensive articles in the DBTS journal debunking the false theories of KJV Onlyism. Fideism is not Faith. The fact that the LXX is quoted throughout the NT by the NT authors is proof enough that the KJVO understanding of miraculous, perfect preservation in one line of manuscripts is not biblical. Dr. Bauder is one of the best advocates of the KJV. His arguments make sense and he does not distort the meaning of Scripture to do so. Thus, I do not object to a ministry using the KJV as their official English Bible. Any guest speaker I have is free to use it, should he choose to do so. We use the NASB 95 edition. The KJVO non-sense needs to end. It is the scourge of Fundamentalism.
Pastor Mike Harding
Per Darrell’s comments, I’ve also found that how awake I am makes a difference in how well I copy. For my part, though, I’m currently content to know that if group f35 is indeed one of the more homogeneous of the byzantine families, that still says bupkus about any revision of the TR, and at any point, Scripture tells us nothing about which text families will be correct.
Which, again, is as it should be, because otherwise you’d both have clowns naming their text by the “correct” name while deliberately corrupting it while those “unfortunate” enough to have “unapproved” versions would have needless doubts about their faith. In my view, KJVO is a body blow at the doctrines of Sola Scriptura, the First Fundamental, and perspicuity of the Scriptures, as it installs a “filter” for interpreting Scripture, generally embodied in a KJVO pastor, who more or less acts as a living Magisterium and plops his church smack dab on the wrong side of the Tiber. Not surprisingly, those churches also find themselves increasingly legalistic and in danger of falling on the wrong side of the Council of Trent, Sola Fide, and Sola Gratia.
And if you get me riled up about the matter, then I’ll really go after the KJVO crowd. :^)
Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.