Convenient Evangelical Sola Scriptura
Check out the Tyler comment below the post
No argument that Scripture is clarified in some of its difficult points by secular history, light is shed on it in certain points by science, Psalms 24:1, all that. Where Kent loses me is when he suggests that proper applications of understanding Scripture in light of its setting include things like green highlights in hair and whether or not music in church uses the 12 bar blues. Maybe it’s simply that most of the arguments I’ve seen against such things are simple guilt by association fallacies, but if one’s going to argue that a broader view of Sola Scriptura will necessarily lead to some of these points, one ought to …..have a semi-coherent argument in support of that viewpoint.
Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.
Even more incoherent is Lance Ketchum’s insane comment under the post.
Tyler is a pastor in Olympia, WA and works in State government.
Tyler, agreed that’s impressive, or perhaps depressive. Reminds me of a phrase you probably learned at Maranatha in the Navy; “If you can’t blind them with brilliance, you can baffle them with
But that said, I’m completely convinced, and tonight, I’m going to get a haircut that will eliminate every last green highlight from my hair.
Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.