California Pastor Jack Hibbs Suggests LA Wildfires Are Result of ‘Wicked’ Rulers
“Hibbs went on to expound on what he sees as the failures of the Democratic leadership of California as it relates to the wildfires. He blamed the government of California, which he called the ‘wealthiest state,’ for causing California to be the most expensive of all 50 states.” - C.Leaders
Some more thoughtful perspectives…
Being in LA last week, I saw much of the disaster firsthand either on the ground or in the air. It is fashionable to blame Newsom and the Democrats. The reality is that 1) real people are really hurting in a very difficult situation, and 2) California's wildfire problem has been decades and decades in the making. It was a problem decades ago and it continues to be a problem today.
California's wildfire problem has been decades and decades in the making. It was a problem decades ago and it continues to be a problem today.
I would hope we can all agree with that. Although we must not forget to show compassion on those who have lost so much and many who will likely lose more in the coming weeks, it is not unreasonable to suggest that proactive measures should be taken going forward. Many of those proactive measures should have been implemented decades ago. When concerns about fish, trees, and bushes interfere with protecting life and that much property, people tend to get a bit frustrated- especially when clearing underbrush and trees could potentially help the ecosystem. Clearing underbrush is necessary both in the undeveloped areas and in residential neighborhoods.
Edit: I just heard that they cannot use salt water from the ocean to fight the fires because the runoff from salt water could hurt the ecosystem. Do they really expect me to believe that salt water will be more damaging to the ecosystem than all the chemicals left behind from those burnt out residential areas?
Going back to the article, I am more concerned that "Pastor" Jack Hibbs is revising history and lying to his congregation, saying crazy stuff about the founding fathers....That they would've hung Karen Bass "for dereliction of duty." The founding fathers, especially those who he names, were more willing to use that form of capital punishment for treason and for 1st degree murders. Enlightenment thinking with an emphasis on reasoning was influencing most of the founding fathers and had them re-evaluating hanging as "cruel and unusual punishment." James Madison even stated “I should not regret a fair and full trial of the entire abolition of capital punishments by any State willing to make it.” Its just sad how history is used by both both sides of the culture war and there's no active discernment to call these charlatans out.
saying crazy stuff about the founding fathers....That they would've hung Karen Bass "for dereliction of duty
When Jesus came to earth, he came full of grace and truth. As Christians, we too should come with grace and truth. There should be a way to tell the truth about mistakes that were made by elected officials and still be gracious. Talking about hanging people does not sound very gracious. As Christians, we should also balance the desire to be gracious with the recognition of a need for justice. As we implement grace we should not go to the farthest extremes as we implement that justice. It is one thing to suggest that there should be consequences for the mayor. It is another to suggest that the death penalty should be in our thoughts.