Televangelist Keith Moore gets third jet priced at $17.5M; Creflo Dollar’s new jet listed at $18.6M
“Moore serves as pastor of churches in Sarasota, Florida, and Branson, Missouri. Most of his flights are between these cities…. For the $10 million Moore’s ministry was raising, they could purchase 26,178 airplane tickets.” - CPost
For those who may not know aircraft, this is a huge plane for someone who is flying from Sarasota to Branson. this is an international plane that will get you to a lot of place around the world. While he may have spent $17.5M for the plane, the operating costs (outside of a loan) is somewhere between $3M to $4M.
...of Moore spending all his time in multi-million dollar parsonages and flying on private jets is that his schedule and staff will prevent him from teaching his particular set of prosperity "gospel" heresies to people not in that particular camp already.
David, wondering how quickly corporate jets depreciate. The model he's got is about $60M new, so I'm guessing this is the corporate jet equivalent of buying a Silverado with 150,000 miles on it and visible rust, and maybe some oil on the ground. But it looks impressive.
Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.
Yeah, the article got the new price wrong. They are more like $25M. For $60M you are getting into Boeing business jets and larger planes. With planes, it is all about the records and the storage. Without those it really impacts the price. Also, at the 20 year mark it drops, because that is when banks will no longer finance them. The pictures of this plane, show a really nice plane and it is crazy that someone is paying this level for going to Branson. Flat out crazy.