The Christian and Science


“Lest we slip into critical attitudes toward science, we must remember that science began with a mandate God gave in creation. God commanded Adam and Eve to have dominion over the earth and to subdue it…. The scientific enterprise is a part of that task.” - R.C. Sproul


Why Science Depends on Virtue


“Last month, the National Institutes of Health found one of its top neuroscientists guilty of scientific misconduct.” - Breakpoint


Design: Does Evolution Care about You?


“It constantly amazes me to hear those committed to an evolutionary worldview talking about design. They can’t help themselves. Everything is so intricately designed.” - Don Johnson


Is Science Incompatible with Christianity?


“This trope, known as the ‘conflict thesis,’ was popularized by John William Draper’s 1874 book A History of the Conflict Between Religion and Science. He tells a familiar story: humanity, on its upward trajectory of progress, is continually opposed by a blind-faith peddling, power-hungry church.” - TGC
