Against the Moral vs. Medical Divide


“it is not only pastors like MacArthur who embrace the medical-moral divide. Advocates and clinicians in the mental health world do also. Sometimes…advocates will state that mental illness has nothing to do with character, weakness of will, or anything else that sounds moral” - Mere Orthodoxy


I See No Conflict Between Christianity and Science


“There’s no doubt that many people think that pursuing science and Christianity inevitably leads to conflict. Some Christians characterize science in a way that conflicts with Christianity. And some scientists characterize Christianity in a way that conflicts with science. My experience shows a different picture.” - Reasons


Intelligent Design Goes Mainstream


“Meyer has been taking intelligent design discourse mainstream lately. Last year, he appeared on The Joe Rogan Experience to make the case that science can and does point to a Designer. And last month, he got a surprisingly warm reception on Piers Morgan Uncensored” - Breakpoint


Can This Man Prove That God Exists? Piers Morgan vs Stephen Meyer


“Meyer firmly rejects the idea that a scientific worldview leads to atheism, arguing instead that ‘the universe requires a creator or cause’….Morgan and Meyer agree that the question of God’s existence is tied to more than just cold hard facts, but also human nature itself.” - Discovery Institute


Johannes Kepler, Thinking God’s Thoughts After Him


“Kepler’s work was motivated by his Christian faith. He believed that since God is rational, the universe must be as well. Because humans are made in God’s image, we can, as he said, ‘think God’s thoughts after Him.’” - Breakpoint


The challenges of being a religious scientist


“22% of graduate students in science say that they believe in God and 20% describe themselves as ‘very’ or ‘moderately’ religious. These percentages are similar to what is seen among science faculty” - RNS
