Optimized Flies Should Bug Darwinists


“More and more, it appears that life is well-designed—perhaps even optimally designed. And this is strong support for the idea that living things are the work of a Designer. But what is ‘optimal design,’ and how can we tell?” - Breakpoint


Design: Does Evolution Care about You?


“It constantly amazes me to hear those committed to an evolutionary worldview talking about design. They can’t help themselves. Everything is so intricately designed.” - Don Johnson


Why Does Creation Groan? Christianity Today Gives a Very Wrong Answer


“…the god of evolution is an ogre who used a wasteful, brutal process to create life and the universe! At least Schneider is honest about what the evolutionary story means for theology (though, of course, he goes on to invent a way to explain evolution and a loving God).” - Ken Ham


No, Humans Aren’t 99% Chimp


“Even if this pseudo-scientific meme were true, it is rarely stated or received as a mere fact. Instead, it is used to imply things about human beings: that we are the sum of our DNA” - Breakpoint


Does RNA Assembly on Glass Break Up the Case for a Creator?


“According to their model, RNA molecules would have assembled on early Earth when ocean water replete with ribonucleotides washed over pieces of glass located on volcanic islands. But a careful assessment of their work shatters this illusion.” - Reasons.org
