Do you believe the fire in the Lake of Fire and/or hell is literal fire?

Hell and the Lake of Fire are clearly taught in the Scripture. Sometimes hell is referred to as outer darkness, at other times a place where the fire is not quenched. What is your understanding about this? Feel free to share comments and insights.


Will the U.S. take over Gaza?

What will actually happen with Gaza? The president has suggested that the U.S. take over the land and build it into a beautiful place. Is this realistic? What are your thoughts?


Has President Trump done as well as you expected he would?

It is easy to begin with comments “It depends” or “Yes and no.” A poll, by nature, addresses a broad summary, not so much nuances or exceptions.

I have felt overwhelmed with all the news about the many changes our current president has made in such a short time. Many of them thrill me, others I have questions about. But I don’t think I have ever seen so much creativity from Washington. Even solutions that might not work (like making Gaza into a Riviera) are out of the box.

What is your general impression?


Does "the Law written on hearts" refer to conscience or regeneration?

In Romans 2:14-15, Paul speaks of law written on hearts:

14 For when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law. 15 They show that the work of the law is written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness, and their conflicting thoughts accuse or even excuse them …

In 2 Corinthians 3:2-3, Paul uses this term to refer to believers, seemingly referring to the work of the Spirit in regeneration:


Are you making a New Year's resolution?

Jonathan Edwards was famous for his “resolved” statements. But, on the “vow” end of things, Solomon warns us about making vows we don’t keep: “It is better that you should not vow than that you should vow and not pay” (Ecclesiastes 5:5, ESV).

James 4:13-15 admonishes us:


Are (at least somewhat reverential) highly imaginative movies and books about Bible characters a good thing?

Whether in media (The Chosen) or in writing (like Max Lucado, for example), there seems to be a trend of blending fiction/speculation with Bible content. When this is done irreverently, I think we all agree it would be wrong. But, in the cases of the above, it is not. This is quite different from prophetic fiction (an attempt to create fiction within a theological frame but with the clear understand the story itself is fiction). How do you feel about that? What are the proper limits of imagination when dealing with Bible narrative?


Are we destined to lose the abortion battle in the U.S.?

Although the Supreme Court ruling turned the issue of abortion back to the states, the pushback has been great. As a matter of fact, popular opinion is now in favor of allowing abortion, and there is a movement to make it a guaranteed right. But even without new laws, the abortion pill is available for women even in states where abortion is illegal.


What do you think of the Great Banquet and other such retreats?

Someone or several people from your church want to attend the Great Banquet. Do you encourage them, discourage them, or stay aloof? Your thoughts and experiences appreciated.

This also applies to things like The Emmaus Walk or other such spiritual retreats within the Christian realm.


Were you raised in a Christian home?

The word “Christian” has many meanings. Thus, asking the question, “Were you raised in a Christian home?” can be ambiguous. Does one mean a home that professed evangelical religion? Or does it mean any sort of Christianity?

People change as well. Perhaps you were not raised in a Christian home, but your parents came to the Lord when you were 12? Were you then raised in a Christian home? We cannot cover all the possibilities, so try to choose the answer that fits you best.


Should be there an age limit for president?

Choice one means no one (say past 70) can run for president, no matter if it is a first or second term. The second choice means no on past a certain age (say 70) could run for first term, and no one past say 74 could run for a second term.

The current presidential election is quite a match up. A reductionist might say it is choosing between a candidate who is becoming mentally feeble and a convicted felon. Both men could become mentally impaired before their terms are up and their average age is about the average age for a man to die in America.
