Which best describes your view about predestination, election and damnation?

Election is a divisive issue, and so is damnation.

Are you Arminian on these particular points? Do you tend to believe that groups are elected, but not individuals within those groups?

Do you believe in predestination of the saved (election) and preterition of the lost (they are merely passed over), or do you believe in double election?

Or are you unsettled, or perhaps hold a viewpoint not listed? All comments are welcome, but if you hold another viewpoint, please (very briefly) explain what that might be.


Which Book of the Bible Do You Believe Is Most Neglected?

Some people and pastors are Romans or Ephesian junkies. Other are perhaps Pauline addicts, while others thrive on the Gospels or Psalms. Some pastors are about getting their Acts together (sorry for the pun).

In your experience as both pastor and as part of a congregation — and you can add Christian radio listener to the group, etc., — which book (or set of books) from the list below would you say gets the least air time?


Calvinism: How Many Points Do You Embrace?

Although people debate whether Calvin himself was as Calvinistic as his followers, most of us are familiar with the TULIP, 5 points of Calvinism regarding salvation. While many who embrace all or most of Calvin’s points are not necessarily Calvinists in the sense that they agree with his views on baptism, ecclesiology, or eschatology, for example, they might label themselves as such referring to the process of salvation.

T is for total depravity

U is for unconditional election

L is for limited atonement


Do you expect any significant change regarding religious freedom over the next four years?

With a new liberal president and an extremely liberal vice-president, do you think this will translate for more restrictions/oppression on churches, particularly conservative ones? You might remember how the Obama administration targeted conservative religious organizations (e.g., Samaritan’s Purse) for IRS audits, etc.

What are your thoughts?

Poll Results

Do you expect any significant change regarding religious freedom over the next four years?


In your understanding of the Torah, were the Jews concerned with remaining ritually clean typically?

E/P. Sanders (who has some good point and some not so good ones, IMO) suggests that the average Jewish person (during the time of the first and second temple) was not concerned about being ritually clean on a daily basis, but only when going to the Tabernacle/Temple or for the Festivals.

What is your understanding of this? It makes a big deal of difference when trying to understand the Book of Leviticus, for example.


Do you think it is likely we will return to lockdown before Thanksgiving?

Things vary from state to state, but do you anticipate the recent COVID surge will mean more/most states will experience another lockdown for our churches? We are aware that some areas have never stopped locking down, but we are talking about states that had a lockdwon at one time and then lifted it.

Please opine if you wish.

Poll Results

Do you think it is likely we will return to lockdown before Thanksgiving?


How Is Your Church Faring in Attendance and Finances during the COVID thing?

A lot of church growth is wrongly measured by the three B’s, according to my dear friend Nord Zootman: Bucks, Bodies, and Buildings. It is possible to grow the Kingdom without numerically or financially growing a local church, and spiritual growth can be tough to reduce to statistics.

This poll is focusing upon “bodies and bucks.” How are your church’s finances and attendance doing? We will count online attendance for those of you who meet in person but also stream online, and for those only streaming, we will use that number.


How should "Elohim" in Psalm 8:5 be translated?

As far as I know, Psalm 8:5 is the only verse where the word “Elohim” in translated with uncertainty. Context usually makes it clear, although if you know of another instance, please let me know.

Psalm 8: 4-5 in the ESV reads:

what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him? Yet you have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings[a]
and crowned him with glory and honor.

In the NASB, verse 5 reads,


Do You Agree With John MacArthur's Stance about government restrictions on gatherings due to COVID?

John MacArthur surprises me, and, frankly, I was disappointed about his stance about submitting to governing authority. What is your view?

Plenty of room for discussion, I am sure!

You can read an evaluation by Tyler R here on SI: https://sharperiron.org/article/bad-argument-from-good-man

Julie Roy has an article here: https://julieroys.com/macarthur-defies-restrictions-on-worship/
