Are the horsemen of Zechariah related to the horsemen of Revelation?

In Zechariah 1:7-17, we are introduced to four horsemen, and we see something very similar in Revelation 6:1-8 (aka, “The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse”). How do you think they are related? Your BRIEF comments are welcome.

Poll Results

Are the horsemen of Zechariah related to the horsemen of Revelation?


Should Christians stop fighting the legalization of marijuana (for recreational use)?

It seems (to me) inevitable that eventually all states will legalize marijuana. Despite the consequences of legalizing weed, it is the American way (it seems) to legalize that which we cannot control, and marijuana is in that category. Too many Americans are for it.

But should Christians therefore support its legalization, or merely surrender to the idea that the battle cannot be won?


Where do you contribute (mostly) for disaster relief?

With a severe hurricane afflicting Florida and an endless barrage of one disaster after another, where do you contribute (when you do contribute — none of us can keep up with them all) to disaster relief? Or perhaps your giving is totally designated toward organizations (like a mission’s organization) that are not noted for significant relief work. Relief for victims from the war in Ukraine, BTW, would also be count as relief.


Is it sinful to play the lottery?

Gambling has long been taboo in Christian circles. The issue, however, is not addressed very often in our day, except maybe under the category of addictions. But what of the occasional gambler? Can Christians go to Vegas and play the slots with a clear conscience?


Has suicide affected you or your church?

Suicide is a big issue, both theologically and emotionally.

In our county, suicides are breaking records, but, fortunately, have not affected our church or family at this time. But how about you? Comments welcome, including what churches can do better. Some of this will be hard for some of you, so do not feel like you must comment. On the other hand, sharing may help deal with grief.

Poll Results

Has suicide affected you or your church?


Who is saved/elect in the Parable of the Sower?

Some parables are allegories, as is obviously the case in the parable of the sower (Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23 in the Matthew account). Not everyone, it seems, agrees as to who is truly saved when interpreting this parable. What is your view? Has your view changed over the years?

Poll Results

Who is saved/elect in the Parable of the Sower?


Have your book habits changed over the past decade or two?

With the popularity of kindle becoming a major player over a dozen years ago (and e-books in general) and with the preponderance of programs and services like Logos and website commentaries, etc., have you book purchases been significantly altered?

Feel free to comment on the resources you do use, buy, or subscribe to.

Poll Results

Have your book habits changed over the past decade or two?


What, if anything, should we do about gun violence?

Some Christians has simplistic answers for everything. What we need to do is evangelize more, etc. and then that would solve all our woes. To my way of thinking, that is not true at all. Our churches are filled with evangelized people and pastors, and look at the messes we see!

But should we simply passively watch gun violence with mass shootings and say, “The problem is the human heart. Regeneration will fix it:?” Or will we address the fact that most people will never get saved and that some behaviors need to be contained?


Will More Mainstream "Evangelical" Leaders Change Their Position on Abortion?

We have seen some self-designated “evangelical” leaders change their position on LGBTQ issue, and very many — for a very long time — on the issue of women pastors/elders. The last conviction standing in the moral/social realm, it seems, is abortion.

Now with the clamor because of the potential supreme court ruling, will many cave-in on this last hold out of Biblical morality?

Poll Results

Will More Mainstream “Evangelical” Leaders Change Their Position on Abortion?


How serious is the clergy shortage in conservative churches?

We have long heard of clergy shortages among Roman Catholics and liberal mainline churches. Now, it seems, conservative churches are sharing the problem. It is referred to as “The Great American Clergy Shortage.”

I am in the process of retiring after having been in pastoral ministry for 43 years. I will be retiring by November 1; for months now, I have been trying to work with a pastoral selection committee to find a new pastor. The pickings are very, very slim.
