Bob Jones University and the Bruins Foundation are hosting “An Evening with Tim Tebow”
My understanding of Artist Series when I was at BJU is that the faith of the artists (or lack of one) meant nothing. The person or group merely came to perform “excellent music,” and then they went their merry way. (Perhaps there was a difference if the artist was a believer, but I don’t recall that experience as a student.) Tim Tebow is coming to campus to talk about being a Christian witness in the sports venue. In other words, he’s not showing up just to hit a baseball and leave. There is a commonality in evangelism as believers that is the emphasis here. “At the event, Tebow will speak on how he has been able to use sports as a platform for Christ.” Apples and oranges.
[Adam Blumer][RE: Cantus]: My understanding of Artist Series when I was at BJU is that the faith of the artists (or lack of one) meant nothing. The person or group merely came to perform “excellent music,”
……you’re saying that Elton John isn’t invited to the campus simply because he plays the wrong style of music, and not because of his chosen lifestyle? =)
(Don’t get upset: just a joke!)
I am a little disappointed that BJU invited Tim Tebow from the Mets but I understand that Nick Foles and Carson Wentz are getting ready for the Super Bowl and couldn’t commit. They both have great testimonies. Maybe next time! Go Eagles!
Here’s another THUMB-UP.
I’m in the middle of an investigation into whether a major medical carrier is discriminating against transgender people by refusing to provide breast reconstruction surgery for men who have “transitioned” to become female. My Governor was elected by this voting block, the director of my state agency is an elected politician from the Governor’s party, the complaint was filed by a progressive activist organization, and we opened the investigation under pressure from three sitting Congressmen.
This is our world. This is America in 2018. This is the world our colleges and universities are teaching these men and women to live and operate in. I beg Christians writing, commenting and reading here to consider whether your perspective about what is “dangerous” or “unholy” for young Christians to see is balanced.
Tyler is a pastor in Olympia, WA and works in State government.
… is that BJU does not actually play football!!
LOL - Lighten up folks!
Church Ministries Representative, serving in the Midwest, for The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry
[TylerR]Thank you for the injection of sanity. Btw, I know some Papuan tribesmen who don’t have a problem going shirtless and posing for National Geographic—also not an especially sanctified magazine. ;)I’m in the middle of an investigation into whether a major medical carrier is discriminating against transgender people by refusing to provide breast reconstruction surgery for men who have “transitioned” to become female. My Governor was elected by this voting block, the director of my state agency is an elected politician from the Governor’s party, the complaint was filed by a progressive activist organization, and we opened the investigation under pressure from three sitting Congressmen.
This is our world. This is America in 2018. This is the world our colleges and universities are teaching these men and women to live and operate in. I beg Christians writing, commenting and reading here to consider whether your perspective about what is “dangerous” or “unholy” for young Christians to see is balanced.
I’d be proud to call Tim Tebow my son, even if he’s willing to play for the Mets. I certainly wouldn’t shun him, separate from him, or misrepresent him. We’d probably have some interesting discussions over his choices.
As a teenager, I remember learning that Bobby Richardson of the NY Yankees was a Christian and being surprised to learn that there were Christians who didn’t go to my church and who played professional sports. When I mentioned it to my pastor I remember being told that Richardson wasn’t a Christian because he’d spoken at a Billy Graham Crusade and played baseball on Sunday instead of going to church.
BTW, for those with concerns over this, where were the comments over Bobby Bowden and Bobby Richardson?
"Some things are of that nature as to make one's fancy chuckle, while his heart doth ache." John Bunyan
Isn’t the Tebow event at Bob Jones about rallying the alumni and community to give money for their college booster program to fund intercollegiate athletics at Bob Jones? For those who oppose the Tim Tebow event, what alternative should BJU use to fund their Booster program for intercollegiate athletics?
I’m am genuinely surprised at the criticisms here of both BJU and Tim Tebow. They’re charging because it is fundraiser. Hard to raise funds unless someone contributes. Artist series are not free either; even students pay for it in tuition. Is it wrong to charge for (gasp!) Living Gallery - a primarily if not entirely spiritual event?
On Mr. Tebow, the internet has multiple sources where this Christian brother - yes he has given clear testimony of faith in Christ - has state how he prioritizes humility, serving others, and giving God the glory. Here’s one link:
Brother Tebow is being a good steward, using his God-given abilities and success as a platform for testimony and ministry. Is he perfect, no. Does he give testimony and evidence of trying to become more like Christ, yes. Exactly the kind of person I would want my young athletically-interested young person to listen to and learn from.
Parenthetically, it is odd that so far he has not been referred to as “Brother Tebow,” since “brother” followed by a last name is the default way of referring to male fellow Christ followers in many fundamental circles.
Wow. I don’t hear anyone coming unhinged about Tebow being at BJU. It’s not like they bought a jet or something. I heard some mild concern but some of the responses make it sound like people are being abominated.
Joel, if that’s correct than Larry’s “pointing out the obvious” post is wrong. That makes more sense to me than using it to bring students in.
[Bert Perry]playing for the Mets
Hey there, not so fast. Go easy on the Mets brother. I’m a fan who happens to live a 20-min stroll from my house (or church) to a seat at Citi Field. Go Mets. And you should check out Brandon Nimmo’s Twitter feed sometime (here). Not bad for a Mets player! I’m actually checking out some channels of communication to see if I can do a voluntary Bible study or prayer group with anyone from the team who’s interested. We’ll see what comes of that. Well, this isn’t much of a contribution to the topic at hand, but I had to say something in defense of Los Mets.
Thomas Overmiller
Pastor |
Blog |
Sorry, Tom, I’m a long-suffering Cubs fan….. :^)
But despite that disability, I can say something nice about them; Citi Field is a HUGE step up from Shea Stadium. If only my favorite football team had remembered where THEY used to play before Soldier Field when they redid that stadium! (if you want proof of alien invasions, just look at the new Soldier Field)
Side note: Paul Scharf, BJU does indeed play football. Just the kind where you use your feet.
Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.
[Joel Shaffer]Isn’t the Tebow event at Bob Jones about rallying the alumni and community to give money for their college booster program to fund intercollegiate athletics at Bob Jones? For those who oppose the Tim Tebow event, what alternative should BJU use to fund their Booster program for intercollegiate athletics?
You think that’s a poser, do you? What should they do? HMMM?? It’ll take a while, let me think…
Hey, I know, how about calling the whole thing off and getting back to training Christian young men and women for the Lord’s service?
Don Johnson
Jer 33.3