The Generic Prayer Request Generator


Did someone really write “verklempt” (actual German: verklemmt) in that chart?!?! :)

Dave Barnhart

I think verklempt is the Yiddish form.

[dcbii] Did someone really write “verklempt” (actual German: verklemmt) in that chart?!?! :)

Hoping to shed more light than heat..

[Rob Fall]

I think verklempt is the Yiddish form.

That might explain why it would be used in an English chart. I was just surprised to see it there and wonder who would know what it meant! :)

Dave Barnhart

if you’re a New Yorker of a certain class, you’d have a passing familiarity with Yinglish. Me. I read Leo Rosten’s The Joys of Yiddish.

[Rob Fall]

I think verklempt is the Yiddish form.

That might explain why it would be used in an English chart. I was just surprised to see it there and wonder who would know what it meant! :)

Hoping to shed more light than heat..

The Bible is very serious about us praying regarding health and the health requests of others (James 5:13 ff). The more we minimize and marginalize prayer, the worse off we are. This all comes off to me as mocking prayer. I would hope if you were sick or your car was down (if you are highly car-dependent). you would ask others to pray, as you ought to.

There is a danger, even among Chirstians, to say we are too (smart, sophisticated, proud - fill in the blank!) to pray. If that is what we are saying, shame on SI for allowing this!


I thought it was ironic to find a fill-in-the-blank in your criticism of this fill-in-the-blank. Anyway, you are right, prayer is a serious business. This chart doesn’t mock prayer; it mocks the trite and trivial approach many Christians take to prayer. It is actually promoting the same viewpoint you have expressed.

May the Lord bless you as you gather with His people today.

Why is it that my voice always seems to be loudest when I am saying the dumbest things?

[Steve Newman]

There is a danger, even among Chirstians, to say we are too (smart, sophisticated, proud - fill in the blank!) to pray. If that is what we are saying, shame on SI for allowing this!

Note … This filing has the “humor” tag