The Unique Christian Contribution to Politics


“there is one key contribution that Christians alone can make to politics: prayer. While I’ll grant that people of any faith can pray and perhaps even do pray for the political process, only Christians can pray and be heard.” - Challies


You’ve likely heard the Serenity Prayer − but not its backstory


“Over the years, the prayer has often been attributed to other Christian writers, including Thomas Aquinas, Augustine and Francis of Assisi. Many people might be surprised to discover that, far from being penned in an ancient European monastery, the Serenity Prayer was written less than a century ago in a cottage in western Massachusetts.” - RNS


The New Year’s Prayer Challenge


“An hour of prayer is a reasonable expectation. Prayer will provide increased spiritual power. And when we pray, we wage war against the flesh.” - Cripplegate


The Idol of Worry, or the Answer to Worry?


“You might think that worry that consumes us would drive us to prayer. The burden is deep, so we pray….You would think this would be the case, but that’s not always so. At least not for me.” - Chuck Lawless


Have You Ever Tried Praying Poetically?


“Christians have often found it a blessing to pray words that others have written. Perhaps you have benefitted from praying the words of The Book of Common Prayer or The Valley of Vision. But…Have you ever tried praying poetically?” - Challies


No Problem Is Too Small for Prayer


“Do you ever feel too small for God, as though your worries don’t deserve his attention? As though he has more important things to do than tend to that tricky relationship, those hidden regrets, that dwindling bank account?” - Desiring God


A Living Faith Evidenced in Prayer (James 5:13-18)


“Whose prayer and whose faith? Verse 14 is clear that it is the elders who are doing the praying. And since it is supposed to be a prayer of faith, it seems that the faith that is primarily in view would be of those praying that prayer of faith: the elders’ faith.” - P&D


May 2 Is National Day of Prayer


“NDOP gatherings are set in all 50 states, according to the organization. Many local city and county leaders join with pastors and church leaders to host gatherings in city squares or the county courthouse.” - Baptist Press
