Why so Serious? Learning to Laugh at Yourself


“I put the mic down to adjust my notes and then started back up with the talk. After about 30 seconds, I looked down and … I was talking into a water bottle like it was a microphone. The audience burst out in laughter and all I could do was smile and join them.” - C.Leaders


Calvinists and Armenians


“I could never be an Armenian; it’s too late for me. It’s not that I feel any antipathy toward them. I certainly don’t defend the efforts to destroy Armenianism that took place in the earlier part of the 20th century. I’m willing to work together with Armenians despite being an ardent Calvinist.” - Mark Ward


3 Ways Humor Can Help in Hard Times


“ ‘A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones’ (Prov. 17:22). A good laugh can’t cure every illness, but it sure can make us feel better. And, in God’s kindness, this medicine is as available in bad times as well as in good.” - TGC
