Has President Trump done as well as you expected he would?
It is easy to begin with comments “It depends” or “Yes and no.” A poll, by nature, addresses a broad summary, not so much nuances or exceptions.
I have felt overwhelmed with all the news about the many changes our current president has made in such a short time. Many of them thrill me, others I have questions about. But I don’t think I have ever seen so much creativity from Washington. Even solutions that might not work (like making Gaza into a Riviera) are out of the box.
What is your general impression?
The corruption / swamp is so bad. The more that comes out about USAID, the more deep the corruption becomes. And that's just one department, which apparently is only 0.7% of the budget.
Foreign interests, "news" agencies like Politico, entertainment companies like Disney have all been propped (bribed) by the corrupt USAID.
If I were the White House, I would demand that no "news" agency that has taken money in the last 6 months from the government or a government-funded GNO slush-fund is not permitted entry or questions. We need honest news again.
The democrats are upset that fraud is being rooted out. WHO do you think is doing/benefitting from the fraud??
I appreciate some of the things that are being exposed, as Dan notes, but the pattern of doing most things by executive order allows most things to be overturned by the courts, and then a future Democratic President. Plus, I think that in certain regards, Trump's recklessness is showing strongly, and thus amounts to Trump "leading with his chin".
Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.
I have to say I agree with you, Bert.
The fact is that everything is a bandaid unless we somehow change the constitution.
However, even if the courts strike down most of what he’s doing, he is at least laying bare the mind-boggling corruption that is our government. If nothing else, that puts us in a place to elect people who will change things.
Trump is doing what he said he would do in the way that he said he would do it.
He's treating the courts like he has always treated the courts. In the words of Bill Barr, he's "flipping the bird at the government."
If Congress weren't led by Republicans, he'd be doing the same to the Speaker of the House and the Senate majority leader. Because Congress is led by Republicans, they've passively allowed him to usurp their role. If it were led by Democrats, we'd be hearing about a third impeachment.