‘God Made Trump’ Video Portrays 45th President as Messiah Figure
“Trump created a stir last week by sharing a fan-made video…. paints a Messiah-like image of Trump, saying the former president ‘cares for the flock’ and is ‘a shepherd to mankind who won’t ever leave or forsake them.’” - C.Leaders
This is a great abomination and affront to God. When a nation lifts up its leader as God, that is when a nation falls. I hope that all of the Christians who voted for Trump because of his stance on abortion and the so-called evils of Biden tremble at what he has put out on his social media platform. I fear for this nation and the state of the Church in America, when the evangelical Christians have exalted and praised a man who holds a mockery to the Almighty. We as a nation will not fall because those who reject Christ legalize the abortion of their own. It will fall when those that embrace God, make a mockery of Christ.
I had never heard of the video until this thread so I watched it. I especially wanted to see it after reading what dgszweda had written:
This is a great abomination and affront to God. When a nation lifts up its leader as God, that is when a nation falls.
The video was definitely cheezy in my opinion, but did not lift up any leader as God. Instead it suggested that God had chosen Trump as a leader. After Biden was elected, I stated that for the last 3 presidential elections, God had chosen someone other than who I had voted for. In 2020 I did not vote for Biden. In 2016 I did not vote for Trump. In 2012 I did not vote for Obama, but in all those cases God allowed them to become the leaders of our nation. I would argue that God chose them even if I disagree with their policies.
I must also admit that I am a bit concerned that dgszweda over exaggerated in his zeal to make a political point. Since I do not share his political views, I could like that his exaggerations could cause others to not take him very seriously, but I also view him as someone who represents Christ. I hope that especially in his personal life, his political extremism does not hinder his testimony for Christ. We all must be careful with our enthusiasm about issues we are passionate about and not let our biases cloud the truth. I have really tried to look in the mirror because I have failed in this area as well.
Being critical about problems with politicians is not a bad thing, but we must be careful not to misrepresent what is being said, otherwise we will just be ignored when something truly concerning is actually pointed out. Worse yet, others may wonder why they should listen to us about Christ when they have seen us stretch the truth on so many other issues.
I will leave the attack to my personal character and/or testimony to the side. You don’t know me, so that is fine.
With that said, it is surprising to watch people gloss over the comments made in the video. There are a lot, but I will focus on one. Of course, I am not the only one who has problems with this video. Many evangelical leaders who were supporting Trump are now raising flags of caution as a result of this video. With that said, the video identifies Trump as “a shepherd to mankind who won’t ever leave nor forsake them.”. If I were to ask you to identify the Shepherd who would never leave nor forsake us, we would all say it was Christ (i.e. Hebrews 13:5 and other passages). He is taking attributes that are attributable only to Christ and applying them to himself and to all those that follow or support Trump. If this is not a characteristic of the/an AntiChrist. I am not sure what is. I am not surprised that Christians are oblivious to this, as they will also be oblivious to the AntiChrist.
I would not be so reliant on the fact that God raised a leader up. Yes, God is Sovereign and He is in control. But Habbakuk is very clear that God raises leaders to judge the iniquities of a nation, and the elect are not able to discern these actions when they are taking place.
Things got so out of control that God had to create Trump to put His kingdom (the empire of America) back in order. Put your faith and trust in Trump!
Also shared by Trump on his Truth Social platform...him crushing the serpent's head with his heel. Dgszweda is not off the mark in his assessment.
"He opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, declaring himself to be God."
Trump has come close to this. He mocks God by his moral behaviors. He is a lover of himself. He demeans Christ by replacing Christ's divine purpose (crushing the serpents head) with himself, and claims he is the true shepherd. Some Christians dismiss this as foolishness, but do not be deceived. Do you really think the real AntiChrist will also not deceive many in the church.
I watched a video yesterday that shows Pastor Denise Goulet in a prayer with Trump saying that God prophesied to her that, that Trump "is my son with whom I am well pleased." Of course Trump was standing there not sure what to say, probably because he had no concept of what was said to him. This was back in 2016, but came up in a feed of mine.
I was hoping republicans would choose someone else but it appears that Trump is going to run away with it. I still think it will be nearly impossible for Trump to win a general election but Biden is exceptionally weak. It’s such an odd election cycle.
I was hoping to get to vote for someone else in the primaries, but I suspect that by the time our primary rolls around, any others will have dropped out. I understand why the candidates want the time to visit each state, etc., but I still kind of wish all the primaries/caucuses took place on the same day. Since I don’t live in IA, NH, or SC, my primary vote may not matter at all (and I wonder if it ever will)…
Dave Barnhart
The single biggest consistent voting block for Trump is the conservative white evangelical. If they were to move away from him it would dethrone his dominace. I don't see that happening, because their disdain for Biden and/or abortion will prevent them from thinking of any other option.
51% of "Christian Evangelicals" in the Iowa went for Trump. So much for Christian Evangelicals championing the sanctity of human life! Trump compromised his pro-life position by claiming that the Florida's heart beat laws that bans abortion at 6 weeks is "a terrible thing." He's ignored calls from pro-life groups to at least back a `15 week abortion ban, which would ban 6% of all abortions in the United States. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4219271-trump-tries-to-play-both-sides-on-abortion/
Yes, Trump paved the way for Roe vs Wade to be overturned, but because his actions are not based on Christian virtue and conviction, but more secular and utilitarian, with his recent flip-flop to a quasi pro-choice/pro-life position, he may end up doing more harm than good to the pro-life movement in the long run. https://wng.org/opinions/is-donald-trump-retreating-on-abortion-1695210495
Fox News, OAN, and Newsmax are minimizing Trump's pro-life/pro-choice flip-flopping because they're just as secular. And since a large segment of older voting Christian Evangelicals are being discipled more by these networks rather than by their churches, Trump will probably get the nomination.
The sad thing is that polls such as this https://www.cbsnews.com/news/nikki-haley-fares-best-against-biden-2024-presidential-election-poll/ have Haley and DeSantis having a better chance of beating Biden, but Trump's conned voting conservatives into believing that he's the only one that can beat Biden.