“The paradox is that church membership has fallen even though adherence to Christianity remains high.”
This has been a problem for a long time, apparently accelerating in recent years. I’ve seen many church “floaters” and “Lone Rangers” who like to give the impression they are “serving Christ” but who in reality many, if not most, have personality quirks that interfere with personal relationships or they are nursing years-long hurts, some real, some imagined, which they use as an excuse. Disobedience to Hebrews 10:24-25 is sin and reflects a shallow understanding of NT teaching about the church.The main casualty of this behavior is the children and grandchildren who often reject Christianity completely because of the poor example of parents and grandparents.
Wally Morris
Huntington, IN
I think there is a lot of wisdom in what you say Wally. Our area has very few good churches and for a long time I would stay at one for a couple years and move on. I finally decided that unless we HAD to leave, we were staying. I think it had a detrimental effect on my kids. I wish I would have just picked the best one and stayed.
Josh: I really appreciate your honesty.
Wally Morris
Huntington, IN
I will not attend a church that:
-is amillennial/post-millennial
-is KJV and unless women wear dresses they are singled out (yes, happened)
-is an SBC church where I was called by the pastor a heretic for believing some parts of calvinistic soteriology after attending and being a member there for 5 years
-puts on a rock concert every Sunday and calls it worship.
I don’t think those four items are being ridiculously picky, but I cannot find a church in my city of 120,000 that passes those 4 items.
You wouldn’t find anything here with that criteria either. I finally caved on your first point.
edit: I haven’t changed to amil. Just attending a church that is.
Is there a reason why many of the more Bible centered churches tend toward amillennial? (just wondering :) )
G. N. Barkman
[G. N. Barkman]Is there a reason why many of the more Bible centered churches tend toward amillennial? (just wondering
Probably because they have all that other stuff right and they have to be wrong about something. They are just human after all :).
Is there a reason why many of the more Bible centered churches tend toward amillennial?
Perhaps they don’t. :D